

  • WOW!!! Congratulations!!! You look amazing, and the smile on your face proves your success! I have a good friend who has lost 105lbs since Feb 2011. She just wrote a book called "Shredding My Losses" using her journal entries she kept while on her journey. It is coming out January 15th as an E-book on and…
  • That is an incredible time!! Way to go!! I'm running my first half marathon on November 5th, and am so excited! I ran 8.5 miles today, and am hurting! But it won't stop me from going further! Any tips/suggestions on what you ate the day before and the day of? Did you use anything during the race?
  • Great suggestions!! Thank you so much for sharing them with me!! I'm getting more and more excited every day!!
  • You look INCREDIBLE!!! You are a true inspiration for all those out there who are married, have children, and have a bad past who believe that they are "stuck" in that life and body forever. You are living proof that all it takes is hardwork and dedication to make yourself happy and healthy, regardless of who you once…
  • You look incredible!!! Please send a Thank You to your husband for his service, it is so greatly appreciated and admired! Just set little goals for yourself so that you can stay motivated. Don't focus on the 10-15lbs.. focus on 1 lb at a time, and you'll be surprised how fast they come off! Good luck, and I'm praying for…
  • I'd say that is a very successful start to Friday!!! Great job!!
  • That is a GREAT mistake to make!!! LOL! Congrats! Once you see the numbers going down, something clicks in your head and it just takes dedication to keep them going down. Keep up the great work, it pays off!!! Keep me updated on your August goal, and we can encourage each other!!
  • Please don't be discouraged! The trick to dieting and eating healthier is to add exercise. I know it may feel like you have no energy because you feel yucky, but start exercising atleast 30 mins a day, and you will LOVE how your attitude and confidence changes. You'll see changes in yourself physically and mentally, and…
  • WOW!!! You can definitely see the difference!! Congratulations on the 50lb weight loss!! Keep up the great work!!
  • Welcome to MFP!!! Everyone is very encouraging and supportive here! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Hi! I live in Berks County, PA! I'm joined MFP a two weeks ago, and am just now reaching out to others for support and to make friends in this journey. I'd love to add you as a friend and keep up with each other's progress :) I've lost 7lbs since joining MFP, and my goal is to lose about 25 more. Good luck to you!