

  • I'm glad you vented instead of ran to the pantry and grabbed a bag of something horrible - like I might have done. You have a huge group of supporters here. We are rooting for you!
  • Thanks, Lisa!
  • How can you be having spring fever in November??? I totally understand, though! :glasses:
  • Welcome aboard, Marnie! Your habits sound like mine two months ago. I ate till I was stuffed. My, what a difference a little website makes! You will love this site. Already I can fit into my skinny jeans again. It sounds like you already know this but here goes... 1. Take it slowly. Don't expect instant results. I only…
  • I'm with you TamTastic! Liver or organs. Gross! I love just about everything else, (unfortunately)
  • I was having the same problem. Try to think of the kitchen as something other than a huge warehouse of all your goodies. Think of it as a work station. I try to get busy with chores and drinking lots of water. Put on some music, chew some minty gum, and get busy. I am not totally successful myself, but maybe together, we…
  • I had a doctor tell me (also a teacher) that I was not drinking enough water. He told me some incredible facts. The water helps make your blood more fluid causing it to flow more easily through the veins, lowering blood pressure and relieving the heart. It lubricates joints, and it definitely fills you up and lowers your…
  • Congratulations!! ( oh, and Happy Birthday!) :bigsmile:
  • Hi! As a veteran teacher, I have "raised" many children, although none of our own yet. I hope my advice can help you. It is very important that she knows who is the authority and that your desires for her are for her good. She may not understand all the whys and wherefores, but she should know that she should do exactly…
  • I am so happy for you. You are wise beyond your years. It is so much easier to lose and keep fit when you are younger than 35. You will be successful, I know. God bless you!:happy:
  • I like any cereal that has some nuts (protein) with skim milk. I also like peanut butter toast on multigrain bread. I just discovered Wonder Bread bagels in French Toast flavor (250 calories) which give me the flavor of my french toast with fewer calories (although still pretty high). Hope this helps.
  • After we got married 1 1/2 years ago, I noticed I kept gaining weight. Sigh! From single girl microwaving to married girl country cooking, I guess. My doctor noticed the change and suggested I count calories to see where the numbers are coming from. This was the best site I could possibly have found! Not only is it a…