jillg89 Member


  • I have my first 1/2 marathon on Saturday and my running group mentioned "carb loading" and I really have no idea why? Is it suppose to make you run faster.. longer? The thought of over-doing any food and feeling "puffy" etc doesn't seem worth it to me. lol
  • I found a partner in my running group too and she is so bummed that I can't race. We made a great pair, I am hoping to run something with her in the future. :smile:
  • Congrats on your first half and I was so careful during my training to not over do the training or let myself get injured before the race. Who would of thought this would of happened? lol Thank you for the hugs!
  • That is a great way to look at it. I love glass half full diagnosis... Thanks and I can't wait til I am off and running again.
  • Thanks for the hugs. I did have blood work taken and everything came back clear. It was a bit scary, but I was more focused on my marathon and not being able to run it. I try very hard not to let my mind wonder and go "there"... but yes, it's something that lingers and my focus is to just get this done with so I can move…
  • Thanks everyone for all the supportive words. Only people who put in the work really knows how devastating being told not to run is. I know many people, including my doctor said the same thing about "there will be other races"... but as I learned from this training, it's more mental than physical to get yourself ready. I…
  • I signed up for my first HALF marathon in June. I've run 5K's and 8K's and last summer finished a 10K.......I'm ready for this next challenge. My method is run/walking... it works and as long as you finish and have fun, it's worth it. I started training last week with the Hal Higdon schedule. Feel free to add me, we can…
  • When I first started, I re-set my macros from the info I learned on this site. I have mine set as 65% Fat, 25% Protein and 10% Carb. Calories can be all over the board w/this way of eating. Make sure to drink plenty of water. I know I found myself really thirsty in the beginning. Good Luck.
  • Welcome to Induction. I'm re-starting Day 1 today. I was successful and lost about 13 pounds in 2 months and the past month have enjoyed my summer a bit too much. Back on track today for me. Good luck... the best thing I remember is getting rid of the "cravings" and not feeling hungry. Once that kicks in, I felt like this…
  • I'm in for this challenge. Starting Day 1 of Induction today... I was doing very well w/this program earlier this spring/summer and then decided to "enjoy" myself a bit this last month. Time to get back on track. Can not wait until the "no craving" stage kicks back in. I miss that!
  • Great list...thanks for sharing!
  • My first 2 weeks on Induction, I had to buy the Atkins bars because I was having a sweet tooth. That helped me and satisfied that craving. I followed Induction for about 15 days and this was during Memorial weekend. I did drink (miller lite or Bacardi and Fresca) and I still managed to loose. This is my 4th week Low…
  • Ahhh, Bullet Proof Coffee....I saw the thread on that. Not sure I'm ready for it yet, I like to eat my calories/carbs. So many good reviews on it though. Maybe someday I'll try it. Thanks for all the other suggestions too. This morning I have the day off of work, so I ate a grilled chicken breast w/some broccoli. Switched…
  • I found this website with lots of recipes. Also, the other day I had a can of chicken in water and I mixed it with a 1/2 of an avocado (if you like those) and had that ontop of my bed of lettuce. It was SO good and something different. This site has TONS of recipes. I made the taco bake and even my husband liked it. (Of…
  • Both meals look yummy! This is a great idea, I never used Photo Bucket before. I guess I better look into that.
  • Thanks CocoMa. I do see that you are only suppose to up your carb in take by 5 each week. I will go slowly, but I need to get a bit more creative. I won't add greek yogurt just yet. lol Thanks for the other tips as well. I will have to search for those other items you mention for breakfasts. I think I saved the Induction…
  • Thanks for the suggestions...I should add some items to my eggs in the morning. I was doing avocado w/them, but I was reading about people adding spinach, onions, peppers as well. I start work at 7am and I make my breakfast at work...I thought about dinner leftovers but might feel stupid eating a pork chop and broccoli at…
  • Hello ladies, You both are doing great this week. I started Induction last week Monday and followed it to a T for 5 days. Then Memorial weekend happened and I had to have some drinks. lol I just wanted to comment about the Greek Yogurt. I MISS that so much. I used to eat it every single day w/fruit. That's something else I…
  • I have the MFP app on my I-Touch, but not sure what you mean by a Carb app? I'm doing pretty good so far too on Induction. I really am not hungry that much at all. I hope this continues. Tizz ~ Thanks for adding me as a friend. You were my first one. I never posted or did anything in the community before.
  • Thank you, that's helpful. Yesterday I was chewing some gum, and of course see that it has 2 carbs (who knew?), but it also had 2 sugar alcohols and I was like thinking... omg, maybe I'm not suppose to chew gum. LOL Why would I even stress about about gum? So w/this news... my gum is actually ZERO. :)
  • Hi ~ Thanks for all the information. I am on day 3 of Induction and have been reading all these posts for a few days now. I bought some of the Atkins bars yesterday and didn't even bother to look on the back..lol I just saw 2 net carbs on the front and thought...this sounds good. It said good for all phases of atkins. I…