Oddly fast motabilism. I was the kind of guy that most girls hated hanging around with because I could chow down on three Big Macs (feel crappy afterwards, but hey) and not gain a pound from it. Haha. [/quote] [/quote] I'm 20.
Worse part is that I have seen my doctor and he has no idea why I'm like this. He said that I should just eat as much as I can through-out the day to try and keep the calories on. He even recommended me start to drinking Ensure Plus' to try and gain the weight or help it, but at 15$ for a pack of 6, that makes things a…
Don't forget to double-tap
Take off the fan itself and then use it like a lance?
Oddly fast motabilism. I was the kind of guy that most girls hated hanging around with because I could chow down on three Big Macs (feel crappy afterwards, but hey) and not gain a pound from it. Haha.
Any stilletos? If ya do, sharpen the heels!
Take off the safety screen, sharpen the blades, boom. :) You're safe.
Can of Pepsi and a subwoofer... I'm screwed.
No, I haven't. And I didn't really think of that either.
I never thought of that. Any suggestions for weigh ins? End of the day or start of the day?
Love pasta, I'm actually making some of it for dinner.
Hey there. To be quite truthful, as the gentleman before me said, this isn't The Biggest Loser, so pounds aren't just going to come flying off in weeks. All you have to do is just keep at it, and just make sure that you are only doing your weight loss regime at the pace that is healthy and comfortable for you, instead of…