emilyanne1012 Member


  • Thank you guys so much for all the advice!! I think I have a plan of attack. I emailed my coach about seeing the trainer tomorrow. I'm going to see if they can give me any advice. I'm also going to try stretching more before and after my workouts. I'll stick with the elliptical until it starts bother me less, but continue…
  • IT band sounds pretty accurate actually, especially since I'm horrible with making sure I stretch. Luckily I have a foam roll already, so I'll start using it. This also might explain why toward the end of my workout (after I've done some stretching and warming up) it bothers me a lot less, and why it hurts after I'm cooled…
  • I've been looking into that. I've had random short lived knee pains before, but nothing like this. I think I will go tomorrow and see what the athletic trainers have to say about it.
  • I used to have the same problem! My family sort of scoffed at me trying to be healthy, but would turn around and comment on my weight constantly, despite that I weigh at least 50 pounds less than them. So I feel your pain on that. But after about a year of dealing with my health ramblings, my parents decided to take their…