Family Members Annoyed With Fitness?



  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    So, today is my dad's birthday. I baked him a cake last night and then today I set out to look up the nutritional information online so I could log the piece of cake that I am going to eat later today. I forgot what brand of frosting I bought, so I texted my sister to take a peek inside the trash can and text me back to let me know what brand, etc. it was. She did and then asked me why I needed to know... and I was honest and told her it was because I needed to log it. She responded with "I would love to go one day without you talking about health and fitness". I don't even know how to respond to that. I find health and fitness very interesting... I don't start law school until next year and I work full time so the only thing that gets me excited and interested every day since I don't have anything else really going on is health and fitness... so that is what I talk a lot about. Her comment made me feel disheartened and now it is making me wonder how many other family members or friends are annoyed by what is very important to me. Has anyone else had this type of problem? How did you deal with it?

    OMG. YES! Finally someone else with this problem. I have this running project that I'm doing with one of my friends, and I post pictures of my runs etc on my FaceBook page in an album for people to look at. Well, I've been told many times by many people that they hate it that I'm "So obsessed" with exercising, and that they "feel like I'm trying to compete with their weight loss", or that it'll "trigger back the bad habits" that they had when they were on their journey.

    How do I deal with it? Well, I honestly don't care. I'm not doing this for anyone but myself. So if you don't want to hear about it (it's a pretty big part of my life) or see it, then don't talk to me, and delete me from FaceBook. It's really that simple. I'm not going to quit what I'm doing in order to please you and your negative attitude towards something that should be widely praised.
  • emilyanne1012
    emilyanne1012 Posts: 6 Member
    I used to have the same problem! My family sort of scoffed at me trying to be healthy, but would turn around and comment on my weight constantly, despite that I weigh at least 50 pounds less than them. So I feel your pain on that.
    But after about a year of dealing with my health ramblings, my parents decided to take their health seriously. They are eatng healthier now, and they've both lost over 30 pounds.
    So as much as it annoyed the heck out of them to lecture them, it ended up paying off in the end.
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    Oh yeah my gf is the same way! Im like well what do you expect?! I help volunteer 4 days a week to help her out and other then that Im home cooking and cleaning-exercising dieting.She gets aggrevated with me but I think its a little annoying to her and jealousy and the fact Im doing well.I have a hard time when shes home/off for the day cause she eats a lot of junk.I just tell her Im sick of hearing about all her stuff lol I really hope to do well and kept this off and maybe inspire her to do it too.Shes already had a heart attack when she was 24 and I worry all the time and you cant say stuff to a woman about their weight and them not get their feelings hurt or they get upset and emotionally eat,but when they get to a weight were its hard to find clothes,fit in a vehicle,or do any small activity without being totally breathless its disheartening and scary.