mesia33 Member


  • I love these because you can put whatever you want in them, make a batch, pop them in the fridge and heat them up in the microwave. I also like the Applegate chicken breakfast sausage links. 3 links is 120 calories, 3g of carbs and 10g of…
  • I do eat. A typical day for me is a homemade granola bar for breakfast, a banana for a mid-morning snack, a veggie burger for lunch, a handful of almonds for a pre-workout snack and a meat with veggies and a starch for dinner. I'm a big dessert person so cutting back on that has been difficult but I've been able to conquer…
  • I feel the same way! I've been on MFP for over a year now but the last two weeks I've joined the gym and have cracked down on logging everything and I know exactly how you feel. I sit at the dinner table figuring out how many ounces of food I'm eating and obsess over having at least 800 calories left at the end of the day…