ybodwen Member


  • Yes I always get extremely red in the face (and sometimes white around the mouth) when I work out hard.. since I'm a kid- hasn't been a problem other than freaking people out :) I'm 30 now and it still happens. My dad gets it too- I think it's just what we do. Is this a new thing for you? If so, may want to ask your doctor.
    in Red face Comment by ybodwen January 2014
  • Target just started carrying more high impact sports bras- if you have the cartwheel app they're 40% off today!
  • just did week 5 day 2- can't wait for a long running stretch next!
  • Finished week 4 last night! Planning to start week 5 tomorrow!
  • Hi! Just found this group- great thread! Mine is "Oh yes I can!!!"
    in Mantras Comment by ybodwen December 2013
  • That is awesome!! Do you think having a baby waiting for you on the other side motivated you to speed up? ;) sounds like you were super organized about it and did great! I hope to be telling a similar story in a few months! For now slowly, steadily working back up to 5k- baby will be 3 months next week! FYI I took…
  • Right now I've been doing Tracy Anderson's post pregnancy workout but I am a huge fan of Turbo Fire- really fun, not boring and a great workout! I got it thru Craigslist for half of list price.
  • Congratulations! Check out the group "Fit, fabulous and pregnant!"
  • Thanks for the info! I'm in the Midwest (it gets pretty cold) and not much of a sweater.
  • Me! Baby is 2 months and I need to lose 30 lbs..
  • WOW Heather that's really impressive! Great time and happy for you that it worked out! We had some decent weather last week so I got out for 3 runs and did week 2 of C25k- it felt so good to get out and run again! It felt like the right thing to start this way too since I wasn't able to keep running throughout my…
  • Hi! Just had my 3rd 6 weeks ago! I am about 20 lbs up from pre pregnancy but would love to lose 10 more. I have never weighed this much in my life! Trying to go easy on myself about that because I know I did my best and it will come off if I put in the effort and have some patience.
  • Friends with kids.. that's how you try to win the girl of your dreams over (and prove you've matured as a person)? Grosss.
  • got through 25 minutes of it last night (it's 45 min long). I guess I can blame/thank baby girl for being fussy and making me stop- man is that a good ab work! I guess my belly is pretty much jelly right now bec that dvd was no joke! hoping for some really good results :)
  • Hi! I'm new here- my baby girl is 3 weeks old and I can't wait to get back into running! I was training for my first half when I found out we were expecting and wasn't able to run too much while pregnant (terrible morning sickness at the beginning and terrible contractions at the end- so glad baby is here! lol..) Hoping to…
  • Hi there! I just had my baby girl 3 weeks ago and I'm looking forward to getting back in shape! I have to lose 15 lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight but would love to lose another 10 while I'm at it :) Breastfeeding was helpful with my other 2 kids so I hope it will be this time too! I would love to get back to…
  • thanks for sharing this! great food for thought. I totally feel like The Rules are kinda arbitrary and change depending on which doctor you talk to on which day!
  • Nope never heard of them. Fill me in! What are they and where do I get them? And do they really work? Thanks!!
  • I have been using mine for a while already (32 weeks now) it's totally a necessity! I have the one from bed bath and beyond- got it a few yrs ago when i was pregnant with my oldest but I think they still have them and they're around $20. Best thing ever!
  • I loved Turbo Fire! I did it after trying Insanity and it gave me much better results and I also enjoyed it more! Loved the variety, and how the workouts are high energy but still really tone you up.
  • Yay!! So happy to hear :)
  • Thanks for the feedback! It sort of puts me in the same place in terms of how much more to gain anyhow! Pee on stick day I was just over the "overweight" border- so 15-25 recommended gain. (Currently up 12) After 3 months of puking/starving I was "normal" weight so 25-35 recommended gain. (Currently up 18) So either way I…
  • I am also a big fan of Taking Charge of Your Fertility! It has great information that I never really learned about my body elsewhere- really taught me a lot! A good read whether or not you choose to use the methods (or some but not all)
  • In the past I have used the mini pill while breast feeding- I didn't have bad side effects (I get headaches, bloating, nausea, etc from the combo pill) but the annoying part is taking it at the same time every single day. Planning to use it again this time around till I stop nursing.
  • aww :( that sucks! hope u feel better!
  • I am using a doula this time around- I didn't for my first 2 but decided to go for it this time- my husband (who is not at all squeamish and generally very supportive) was not able to adequately handle my stress over the dr not showing up last time (she finally did, 2 min before he was born!) so we agreed that it would be…
    in Doulas Comment by ybodwen July 2013
  • Hope it works and you're good as new soon! I myself have been having a lot of knee pain- particularly when I drive longer than 10 minutes (I work 25 min away..) My OB says "It's normal in pregnancy" and my doula/massage therapist gave me a massage last night- she said it's not muscle inflammation based on what she felt so…
  • Thanks! Happy/relieved to know I'm on the right track :)
  • Hi! Been so out of it lately, did not realize you were going to PT.. everything OK?
  • Me too! Love Niamh! So pretty.