

  • have you thought about getting resistance bands? they are much more reasonably priced and are VERY versatile for resistance training.
  • i am still recovering from a lower back injury (that will likely turn chronic because my family has a history of bad/weak backs). anyway - I found it very beneficial to go to a physical therapist to a) find ways to improve my injured area and b) learn of how to prevent this type of pain in the future and come back…
  • I second what everybody else said here - also don't forget to ice it (especially if it's feeling inflamed). It's amazing how quickly worn-out shoes can damage your body! Also check with doctor or physical therapist, I just went to physical therapist 3 weeks ago for lower back pain that i've had on and off for 3 months (I'm…
  • would you have access to a fridge? On days where I know i'll be pressed for time at work, I try to make a turkey sandwich before work. I use Thomas Bagel Thins 100% whole wheat and put a slice of reduced fat cheese (Whatever your favorite is will do fine), and turkey (great source of lean protein) and if i have it around,…
  • I am like many of you, oatmeal post-workout. I mix it with peanut butter - it's a great start to my day! I do old-fashioned oats (1/2 C) with 2 TBSP of Jif Creamy peanut butter. Fills me up to get me through the mornings, good source of protein!
  • I love Greek Yogurt - Chobani is the best brand in my opinion. Their blueberry flavor for me is like having a healthy treat! I usually eat this after my workouts in the morning, excellent source of protein. I would say it's an acquired taste (if you're used to other nonfat yogurt varieties out there like Yoplait), but…
  • Perhaps you could try the Nike+ Sportband tool? They talk about it in a Runner's World Article, I've put the link up here: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-240-321--13386-0,00.html It won't monitor heart rate, but is able to track other things. Might be good for the budget-sensitive. Although you will need…
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