Knee pain

fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
I have been running a year now, and all good, but in the last 2 weeks I have had bad knee pain on my right side. I can't think why it would have started now, when I haven't changed anything, I can't think of anything obvious I have done to it. It is fine while I run, but really painful for walking, especially downstairs.

So, any ideas? I will go to my physio once the children start back at school, and I get some time, but any advice in the mean time would be great. I have rested it for a week, and it didn't make any difference, though I ran again this morning. I have a race in 3 weeks!


  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    I can always tell when my shoes are worn out, my knees start hurting at the end of the day. Maybe?

    If the pain continues, see your doctor.
  • jmikels67
    jmikels67 Posts: 116
    Maybe your shoes have gotten to the end of their life? I know I've gotten shin splints doing aerobics when my shoes wore out and I didn't realize it. They were still comfortable, but weren't supporting me like I needed.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS!! I just had this happen and just figured it out! I have tendenitis on right side of my knee (right leg)! He said that its from over use! Um I would still go to your doctor. I got a cortozone shot and he sent me to therapy. I still hurt but I was told to quit running long distances! Good Luck!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Very good point! I have had my shoes a year and done about 1000km in them. I bet they are knackered!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Talk to your doctor. All people can do here is give ideas, they can tell you why.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Chondromalacia Patellae (Runner's Knee)?

    Knee pain can be caused by so many different things, I'm sure your doctor will be able to diagnose it. :smile:
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    My knee hurt so badly today it woke me up. But it's really not my knee, it's my hip. Watch out for referred pain, confuses me every time!
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    I had that happen to me once right after I switched to new shoes. I exchanged the shoes of course, but the pain remained for awhile and I was able to run pain-free with a knee brace. I was in the police academy so I had no choice. Don't run = maybe try again next year or lose job. I think mine was iliotibial band syndrome. The pain is right on the outside side of the knee. There are also some stretches you can do to help.
    Some people also swear by barefoot or minimalist shoe running. Sometimes it's the mechanics of the shoe itself that causes the problem. That's certainly what it seemed to be in my case. Hope it goes away quickly for ya!
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    If your knee hurts in a specific spot, you may very well have an injury, or be on your way to one. There is a lot of cartilage in there that's vulnerable, not to mention ligaments. First, get new shoes, take NSAIDs and rest it for at least a week to see if it improves. Seeing a doctor wouldn't hurt either.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Orthopedic surgeons love runners~~~it keeps them in luxury cruises. Start looking for new shoes and make certain they have a great gel cushion. Walk around the store in the ones that feel best...for at least 20 minutes.

    Switch to fitness walking instead of running. If you're running on concrete or asphalt, of course it will take a toll on your knees.

    Cortisone shots are a temporary pain relief measure but even that might not remove all of it. There are plenty of other aerobic activities you can do to stay fit: swimming, cycling, etc.

    Knee replacements are not the total solution either. Ask your Dr. about RSD (caused by KNEE SURGERY).
  • Drlnmc
    Drlnmc Posts: 13
    It is very important that you speak with your physician about your knee pain. It could be something easily corrected or it could be something more serious. We have pain recepters in our body for a reason. They tell us when our body is not working properly. Don't ignore the pain signal.

    With that said, you can alleviate the pain somewhat until you see the doctor. You can buy a small band with a tubular insert to place around the offending knee. It's sold at most athletic stores. It is designed to reduce the pain of "runners" or "jumpers" knee. The insert applies a moderate amount of pressure to reduce the stress on the tendons in the knee. This will also keep the knee from becoming inflamed due to overuse.

    Good luck. And, GO TO THE DOCTOR! :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I had that happen to me once right after I switched to new shoes. I exchanged the shoes of course, but the pain remained for awhile and I was able to run pain-free with a knee brace. I was in the police academy so I had no choice. Don't run = maybe try again next year or lose job. I think mine was iliotibial band syndrome. The pain is right on the outside side of the knee. There are also some stretches you can do to help.
    Some people also swear by barefoot or minimalist shoe running. Sometimes it's the mechanics of the shoe itself that causes the problem. That's certainly what it seemed to be in my case. Hope it goes away quickly for ya!

    That sounds familiar, right on the outside of the joint. I ran in my vibrams this morning to see if it helped, and though it was fine while I ran, it is bad again now.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have emailled my doctor, and asked for the number for her physio, I'll see what she says! I don't think it's overuse, I have been using my knees all my life! I think I must have done something specific to it. The pain is in a very specific spot, on the side, so it's not runner's knee.
  • I second what everybody else said here - also don't forget to ice it (especially if it's feeling inflamed). It's amazing how quickly worn-out shoes can damage your body!

    Also check with doctor or physical therapist, I just went to physical therapist 3 weeks ago for lower back pain that i've had on and off for 3 months (I'm a huge golfer and runner), now I wish i would have gone in earlier to prevent the injury from the beginning instead of letting it build up. that being said i've been very happy with the results of physical therapy and have now made sure I give myself a day or two of rest each week - all about balance!

    good luck! wishing you a speedy recovery in time for the race!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Orthopedic surgeons love runners~~~it keeps them in luxury cruises.
    :laugh: yup