

  • Your caloric intake might be the issue....but I would begin by looking at WHAT your eating instead of how much. You might need more fiber, protein, carbs, etc... I suggest finding a hearty bean filled chilli recipe since we're about to hit perfect chilli weather :)
    in HELP!! Comment by raimevee October 2011
  • It is definitely possible if you believe it is! I haven't really been setting goals outside of feeling better but have managed to consistently lose...just keep logging! The weeks I log I lose the most weight, other than that I am only able to maintain my losses. I'll jump on and join the movement to lose 30 lbs by…
  • I too just began enjoying quinoa! Yesterday I did a little kitchen cleanout before going to the grocery store. I put cream of chicken soup w/ milk, diced tomatos, broccoli florets, diced onion, garlic, cooked quinoa (1 c simmered 15 min., let stand 5 min.), marjoram (an herb that is a little sweet with a little spice),…
  • Hey Congrats on starting your journey! Depending on where you're starting point is, the mile a day might be just what you need. I know that sometimes it's hard to be patient, but if you're body needs to shed some weight before beginning any vigorous exercise then let it. Trust me...you'll be glad you were patient in the…
  • I don't think you need to worry about becoming overweight again. You are clearly taking active control over your weight, which is AWESOME! Word of advice: Don't weigh yourself daily and DON'T measure in ounces, that just puts stres into your life and studies have shown that high stress levels impede weight loss and…