Saelina Member


  • When was the last time you had your thyroid levels tested? If you are undermedicated that will lead to a slower metabolism. I am also hypothyroid with hashimotos, and I'm not yet properly medicated so I am dealing with trying to balance calories with a slowed metabolism as well. I found using @Haybales22 spreadsheet got me…
  • of course! and a big one at that! grats to you :)
    in Binging Comment by Saelina July 2012
  • How are your macros? Are you targetting 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat? I found the protein helps tremendously with keeping you full longer
  • Are you doing the reset or eating at cut?
  • If you aren't eating at TDEE, you can't use that figure. If 1780 is your cut that you are eating daily, you have 1780 - 1351 = 429 calories to burn before going below bmr. If you are that close to goal weight, others found it better to eat at 10% cut.
  • You're activity level sounds right.. After looking at your diary.. if you are barely eating your bmr (saw quite a few under), then adding in your exercise, you are netting well below. that can stall you out completely. you have to eat at 1600 a day to make room for your walks.
  • So you have been eating 1700 correct? Are you losing? If you've been on a plateau, then you might need to consider that your fitbit is accurate and your tdee is the average of 1750 and eat your cut from there. If your bmr is 1500 though, you can only cut about 150 cals a day to 1600 so you eat above your bmr
  • is there a way you can update the graphic we use in our progress tracker to include your web url? I think it would be beneficial to get the web site addy out there, if the .com could be added or maybe the whole address below the tape measure?
  • are you eating at TDEE or TDEE cut? what is your age, height, weight, and activities?
  • That is a fantastic mental accomplishment and NSV bethad. I think over turning our mental obstacles is a big part of this, and the reset gives you the time to eliminate a lot of them. Congrats to you :)
  • Not sure what you are asking here.. If you are asking if you should maintain your calories at TDEE for 8 weeks, yes. If you are asking if your weight will maintain, most likely not. Most experience a gain and bloat as your body repairs itself. A normal reaction from being on a low cal diet and slowing your metabolism. Once…
  • Sounds like you aren't eating enough. Why are you targetting a 20% cut when it's recommended to do 15%? It's been recommended to keep a consistent calorie intake. Take your weekly TDEE total, average it and get your total per day, and cut 15% from that. I don't have an opinion on eating times, as I've eaten all times of…
  • Such a great story. congrats on your success and more importantly, figuring out what the doctors couldn't. :) I think I need to get one of those fitbit things.
  • Are you using this calculator? Light is exercising 1 to 3 hours a week. If that is your accurate activity level, then yes 1642 is your cut. If you haven't been eating at 1200 long, you should be ok going to cut. Eat that every day, unless you have a high burn day which brings…
  • Hi, and welcome to the group :) You need to post your stats for ppl to check your numbers... age, height, weight, activity level. The first step of the program is to repair your metabolism, and get it back up to speed. It can be the hardest part for some, since if you've been eating that low for a long period of time your…
  • What is your age, weight, height, and activity level? We need that info to check your numbers. The goal with your calories is to be consistent. Your tdee and your cut figures are based off of your weekly average, not daily. So once you establish your activity level, you plan for you tdee reset for 8 weeks, than your 15%…
  • If you've been eating that way for awhile, yes it is recommended to do a reset. You would eat at your TDEE for 8 weeks or so. Once that is completed, you will eat at your TDEE -15%, that is your cut. It's not recommended to cut more than 15%. If there are individual days where you have high calorie burns, than leave you…
  • I would have to agree with you rosie. Just mentally prepare yourself for additional weight gain / bloat.
  • Have you read this thread? pretty good explanation
  • Give it time Pink :) And keep in mind that if you purge after you eat, you aren't letting the calories enter your system. It's going to take some time for you to actually reach your TDEE calorie goal if you purge what you consume. Take it one day at a time.
  • start with these
  • Hi and welcome to the group :) A lot of the information you need is located within the threads pinned at the top of the forum. I highly recommend reading them all so you know what everything is and what to expect.
  • Take a deep breath :) You are not alone. Definitely read the reset support threads, there are quite a few people who are experiencing weight gain after coming off a VLCD for a lengthy period of time. It's a normal reaction when you finally consume food and your body wants to retain it for the next starvation cycle. That…
  • haha I have those moments for sure. I love cheeseburgers. My solution: I eat it. I do my best to plan my day around my Cheeseburger meal, get as close to my macros as possible, staying at my cut. So I have nothing to feel bad about, even ate the french fries! :)
  • great news! congrats :)
  • Here's the link for scooby to get your totals Eat now for your current activity level, once you move adjust your activity level accordingly.
  • If you aren't looking to lose you would eat at your TDEE. The cut is used for loss.
  • fantastic progress, grats :)
  • here is a spreadsheet i found with all the workouts on it so you can just print them out for each stage I bring my little clipboard too and a stop watch to time rest periods.