Name/ real name: Amerlee/Amy Goal weight on January 31: 191 1/1: 196 1/7: 195 1/14: 1/21: 1/28: 1/31:
Name/ real name: amerlee/Amy Goal weight on January 31: 191 1/1: 196 1/7: 1/14: 1/21: 1/28: 1/31:
SW: (Starting weight) 196 CW: (Current weight) GW: (Goal weight for the month) 191 Weigh in Dates: 1/1 196 1/8 1/15 1/22 1/31 Total weight lost: Just for fun: What is your fitness resolution for 2013? I'm hoping to actually stick with this, and finally care about myself for once!
I'd love to join!