

  • As a fitness tech I can tell you you didn't really gain 5 lbs in one day. Make sure you weigh yourself at the same time on the same scales. Keep in mind that as a women we have to worry about water weight gain more then a man. A few days or the week of our monthy cycle we can have alot of water retention. Don't weigh…
  • As a fitness tech I have learned 1st never compare yourself to a man. They have alot higher body muscle mass. 2. Remember to check your weight at the same time everyday and remember that water has weight to it. Also if you have eaten alot of things with sodium in them you could be retaining water. Just keep working on your…
  • I was a fitness tech and was running alot of miles. I have had a real high heart rate when the humidity was high or it was really hot out. You sometimes have to adjust your running to compensate for the high temps.:happy:
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