

  • sign me up! The cravings are what's killing me too lately - especially with the late night beer & bbq's, family bday parties with cake and wine tasting, and bonfires with hot dogs and smore's... and then my pizza cravings (those are the WORST). I have a feeling I will have to start packing my own food and bringing it with…
  • u rock. and r honest. hellyeah.
  • haha - thanks for all the replies! Great for my lunch break :) I'm definitely going to be running to the supermarket to look for some Clif bars (supposedly one of the best according to and price out some of the Polar heart rate monitors... :D After this morning's…
  • I used to be a huuuuge Halo 3 fan when it first came out. To get better when the bf was away at work, I started combining it with an elliptical - I just removed the arm bars. It worked awesome! 3 games into it and I'd have an easy 300 calories burned - not to mention you're more focused (once you get used to NOT falling…
  • mmm I usually crave anything AND everything after a workout. It's bad... haha maybe if I keep in mind those 'bingo wings' it'll help to curb them! lol :D Thanks Kylie! What on earth is booster juice tho? Is that a juice-stand or a bottled brand??? Got me curious :D
  • I'm guessing you're doing the same old routine (as mentioned above)! An easy change is to try swimming. If you can do laps continuously, do it. The fly would give you the biggest workout (I personally think the breast stroke would do the least for a body). If not, most pools should be able to provide you with a kickboard.…
  • I haven't tried gum yet - that doesn't sound bad! Thanx Oomal! Maybe I'll break out the whey protein shakes again... haha I bought a Magic Bullet around Xmas just for those! Those things rock - Thanx Kiffy!
  • It may sound weird, but try chugging - LITERALLY - a crapload of water. For cravings, I found that it has to be ice water (with maybe some lime in it. So I can pretend it's a Bud.). If it's actual hunger, and I'm ready to eat everything in sight, I go for cold milk. If the calories are too high for you (or you can put down…
  • haha luv the mantra!
  • You might try checking out - they have some really great articles and food suggestions! And the Real Age quiz is just plain fun...
  • I'm in AK, so I'm SUPER STOKED about the sunshine coming! Especially since we just had ~ 2 inches of snowfall today (that thankfully melted already). I'm all geared up for some outdoor jogging and biking on the trails here. Hopefully I'll convince the BF to come out for a few hikes (and to provide bear protection - or bear…