

  • Today's weigh in: SW: 194 7/21: 189.8 7/28:187.4 8/6: 184.5 8/14: 182
  • Today's weigh in: SW: 194 7/21: 189.8 7/28:187.4 8/6: 184.5 Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Today's weigh in: SW: 194 7/21: 189.8 7/28:187.4 Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I don't eat my exercise calories, but I do allow myself to splurge on weekends. I figure 2 days out of the week isn't super bad as long as I don't over due it! So far I have lost 6 lbs! Hope this helps you!
  • I think it's a great motivation for people, even if they're not on the spread sheet. It gives a time period for the goal, and they're not the only one that is doing it. I think it should stay open just so people are more encouraged to work out and lose weight! Everyone likes a challenge, especially when it includes others!…
  • I had an eating disorder as a teen. I am looking for a group to help me along my journey of losing weight. I am already seeing myself slipping back into my old ways, especially with the calorie counter. It's nice knowing that their are others out there that are going through the same thing. Maybe we can all help each other…
  • SW: 194 7/21: 189.8:happy:
  • I'm in, although I'm not sure how to join. I just started mfp last week. I'm currently at 194 and would love to be at about 165 then!