

  • You don't have to have new shoes. However, if the bikes in spin class have clipless pedals (sometimes the pedals are a platform on one side and clipless on the other side), you can buy cycling shoes and cleats that will work with the pedals on the spin bike. Word of caution, there is a learning curve, even on a spin bike.…
  • My wife and I both have FR220's, and I have an Edge 510 for my bike. She ordered her 220 with the premium bundle, and I ordered my Edge with the same, which is also compatible with my 220. Her premium strap is nicer than my premium strap, which is a year older. Either "premium" strap is more comfortable than the rigid…
  • I think this is very good advice; especially on the "it won't take long" part. I started riding a road bike 3 years ago. I had to stop after 0.75km at first to let my heart and breathing calm back down. 3 years and a loss of over 80lb later, I'm unfulfilled if any ride is less than 50km @ 25kph.. Neither of those two…
  • Sounds incredible. Thanks for sharing.