spinning novice? I have a couple questions...

The new gym I joined has a spinning studio. I would love to try it out. A couple of questions...

Do I need different shoes? Should I tell the instructor I'm new? Should I get a bike in front or in back of the class?

Anything else I should know? I've always wanted to go but have been nervous. Everyone raves how much they like it and I feel like I'm ready and could hopefully keep up with it.

Thanks y'all. :smile:


  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    Bump im interested too
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    No new shoes needed, instructor will ask and if he doesn't tell him - he will brief you how to prepare your bike and the breaking mechanism!
    At the begining invest in padded shorts and make sure you are "well groomed"... The less hair the less friction / skin rash!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    A good instructor will acknowledge that you're new and should help you with your bike setup (which is VERY important). If they don't approach you on this make sure you get help to setup your bike. Don't try to do it on your own.

    Where you sit in class is up to you.

    Shoes - cycling shoes are the best (obviously) but any shoe with a stiffer sole will work. Make sure you buckle yourself into the cages good.

    If you fall in love with Spin you'll probably want to at the very least invest in biking shorts with chamois (padding).

    Remember to have fun!
  • BadHammers
    BadHammers Posts: 4
    You don't have to have new shoes. However, if the bikes in spin class have clipless pedals (sometimes the pedals are a platform on one side and clipless on the other side), you can buy cycling shoes and cleats that will work with the pedals on the spin bike.

    Word of caution, there is a learning curve, even on a spin bike. Let's say you've bought a pair of cycling shoes with a bolt pattern compatible to the cleat required by the pedals on the spin bike. You've bought the cleats, too. You've even gone so far as to bolt the cleats to your cycling shoes, and you've managed to bring them with you to the gym. You've hopped on the bike, you've clipped in, and you're spinning. LIKE A CHAMPION.

    Your instructor should have showed you how to use the brake on the spin bike. If not, force yourself to understand the brake on the bike. If you're clipped in, and you try to stop pedaling without using the brake, bad things can happen. Very bad things. The flywheel will keep your legs moving regardless of if you're seated or standing, if you're in control of your legs or not. Even if your butt falls to the ground and your legs are still somehow attached to the rest of your body, your legs will still be spinning.

    The best way to combat that nice surprise is to get used to the bike with street shoes first, then move on to clipping in.
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    Well thats scary to say the least, so learn the brake,pad the butt,dont clip feet and youll survive this. Anything else?
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    i suggest hula hooping before spinning..gets your body used to the enduring circles you will encounter while spinning
  • all4rescue
    all4rescue Posts: 71 Member
    I love spinning, yes the instructor should ask you if you are new so he/she can help you adjust your seat and just give you a run down. The pedals at our gym has one side with straps so you can wear regular shoes and the other side has clips so if you want you can get spinning shoes. If you are going to stick with the classes I would suggest to later looking into the spinning shoes it really does help engage the whole leg muscles more. But to start off you don't need any special shoes. I would like someone esle suggested look into the padded shorts they really do help. I hope you enjoy the classes like I do.
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    you'll sweat ... a lot!! bring a towel to wipe the sweat off your face, and arms and hands...and a big icy cold bottle of water!! don't invest in costly shoes or padded shorts till you decide if you're gonna continue....
  • _IronDan_
    _IronDan_ Posts: 14 Member
    I would recommend that on your first class when the instructor says add a full turn that you only put on a half turn of resistance until your legs are used to it!
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    Another vote for the padded bike shorts since it take a little while to become accustomed to the seat.
    AND another vote for if you love it, definitely invest in the shoes. I wish I had sooner.

    I loved it so much that I got my own Spin bike and now I don't have to worry about making the classes at the gym. :drinker:

    Have fun and enjoy! :wink:
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    Yeah, when I first started I just used tennis shoes (I have big feet so I didn't clip them into the pedals). Towel is a must and water. The instructor should tell you how to set up your bike.

    If you don't want to get the fancy pants yet, go to wal-mart and buy a bicycle seat cover. But even with it, your butt will hurt.

    Sit wherever you want. I preferred the back.
    Also realize that you might not be able to do all the stuff others are doing, don't fret, it'll take time to get used to. but not too long.. you should notice your stamina increasing after a week or two (depending on how often you go).

  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    Can I be honest? My butt hurt after my first spinning class. Really Bad. My legs were not very strong, and anything out of the saddle (standing up) was difficult. I went back for my second class, and my bottom remembered what I was about to do - and I just about left. But I remembered what a friend told me, that if I could get through 2 classes, my butt would adjust and stop complaining. She was so right! When I went in for my 3rd class, I sat down and it didn't hurt! It's a learning curve, but (in my humble, non-athlete, but likes to try new things opinion) if you can keep at it for a few classes, you will love it. I've been spinning at least once a week for about a year now, and I love the workout.
    Good luck!
  • fitfor40tx
    fitfor40tx Posts: 30
    Thanks so much everyone!!! Great advice!! I seriously did not know what to expect but now I have a good idea. :smile:

    Until I know if I like it, I'm just going with my regular shoes and a positive attitude! I'm game for trying any workout once. I've done boxing, trampoline and boot camp classes. It's always fun for me to switch things up, that's how I keep going...keeping it interesting. I've heard spinning is addicting and burns a TON of calories!!!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Spinning is great! You have some good advice here, so just wanted to say have fun and let us know how you like it! It's an hour of pure, sweaty bliss. Oh also, I like to go to every instructor's classes. They make their own playlists and teach in their own styles so you may like some more than others.

    Enjoy! :)