THEsnails Member


  • 5"1" and about 130 pounds. I'd love to be around 105-110, but that number is not compensating for muscle. I just want to slip into a body that's a little more toned.
  • I should also mention Clif Bars have 20+ grams of protein per bar and they are delicious, filling, and easy to eat on the run. Because you are busy, I would suggest planning meals out over the weekend and cooking as much as you can in your free time. For instance, if you're free on a Sunday afternoon, try to prepare as…
  • Soy products (tempeh, seitan, straight up soybeans, soymilk, etc.), beans and legumes (lentils, kidney beans, chick peas, pinto beans and so forth), nut butters (specifically crunchy peanut butter) and just nuts in general, whole grain rice, whole wheat bread/pasta, dark leafy green vegetables, non-dairy milks (although…
  • Congratulations, you are doing wonderfully!
  • I log on everyday so that I may write annoying things about myself all the time to keep me motivated... I'll be your friend! :)
  • Ever since I became a vegan, my period pain is virtually non-existent. I do get slight PMS (extra emotional), but I never experience bloating, fatigue, cramps, etc. However, I've always heard exercise can help alleviate painful symptoms if you're having any.
  • Rewards besides eating? waaaaaaaaaaaah I think clothing is good. It's nice to buy a cheap little sundress or something because you can finally fit in it without feeling gross.
  • Butt kicker reporting for duty I'm also in need of some butt kicking We can all share in the butt kicking!
  • Very well said. I often think of how readily available food is for me and how often I simply disregard the significance of it. It is so sad.
  • INFP - describes me perfectly I think. That's for posting that quiz, very interesting.
  • Ah I love peanut butter. I eat it right out of the jar. But I have a hard time paying attention to my hunger signals, so when I go to eat peanut butter or something, I will end up eating half the jar instead of just a few tablespoons. Not because I'm hungry, but just because it is delicious.......haha. And I love your…
  • This^^ Healthy options that are low in cholesterol/saturated fats!
  • I am struggling with binge eating currently, and I've had purging episodes in the past few years. Because I am not completely in control of my eating just yet, I can't offer a solution. However, I find that keeping busy is one of the best ways to control myself. The best days are days that I have a lot of classes/ long…
  • Yes definitely, good point.
  • I'll be willing to help as much as I can, not to mention I could use a few weight loss friends myself.
  • You look great! Congratulations :)
  • Thank you for doing that! I will get a re-check at the gym soon and let you know, although 25.1 is probably fairly accurate. Thank you for all of your help.
  • I can't recall my BMI offhand, but my doctor told me it was good. I had it checked at the gym a few months ago too, and the trainer said I was average but it wouldn't hurt to lose some fat.
  • [/quote] If you have not done so already, I recommend you see a nutritionist. Vegan diets can lead to deficiencies in things such as protein, B12, iron, etc. A nutritional deficiency, especially with something like protein, can make you feel like you need to eat all the time. Even if you were an omnivore, I'd recommend…
  • I'm 18, so yes, growth/development could definitely be an attributing factor to some of the weight gain. But I'm pushing 40 pounds in 4 years! aaaaaahah
  • It's funny because I'm a would think reaching for vegetables would be a lot easier than it is! I've tried this over and over again but it never seems to last. I'll feel like eating, so I eat some carrots or whatever...but it never satisfies because it's not full of carbs and sugar I suppose. So then I end up…
  • I've been a vegetarian for 6 years and vegan for 5 of those!
    in Vegans Comment by THEsnails May 2012