Looby47 Member


  • Sorry, we all posted together. Mine was meant for 'rushtogether'. You are rated 8 for body, 9 if the face was good! I'll leave you to rate blondie!!
  • 7. You are going to be an Ironman! (will that do for now? ;-)
  • Hi, I've got plenty of friends for now but that may change when I want to talk non stop about fitbit. I just wanted to share that MINE HAS JUST ARRIVED! THE DELIVERY DRIVER JUST LEFT. I was sitting reading about it during the one hour delivery slot and am about to open it. SO excited! So mad of me I know, but I guess you…
  • Hi, I think there's already been plenty of replies already but my first thoughts as soon as i saw your posting was too few calories being eaten with the exercise as well, its DEFNIITELY too few. In effect you're burning off nearly half of what you've eaten so if you're eating 900 and burning off 420, you're only giving…
  • :-). Not too far away.
  • None of these yet, or maybe the complainer and definitely a mirror checker! In a years time I'll be the fit babe that everyone envies (and I'll just keep telling myself that!)
  • Hi, get in touch with cahoughton (linked with my name). She's used something like that and loving it. I'll get in touch with her too and get her to contact you. .... Just realised after typed this that it's not what she has used, she used a watch, heart rate, cal counter thing. Soz.
  • ignore, this, meant to reply to someone specifically
  • At the moment I find that i'm forcing myself to get started. Its not so much that I hate it when I'm doing it but its just the getting up off the chair and finding a million other things to do instead! Once I'm at gym or whatever, I enjoy it and get the buzz afterwards. I am sure that I will enjoy it once I start to see…
  • Funny as your message matches my profile quote. My excuse is usually that I don't have time to fit it around work. I need to actually plan it in my diary rather than 'see if it first in'. Surely my health should rank pretty high on the 'list of things to do' !!?
  • Most Classic Rock type songs, but also 'The only way is Up' forgotten who its by but it gets me moving. I first heard it on a fairground ride many years ago.