LLG210 Member


  • The great news is...you took the FIRST STEP! I highly recommend finding friends on MFP with the same or similar starting weight and see what advice they have. Having a support system can really make your journey!! If you feel comfortable, you can also open up your diary to get better advice from your MFP friends. Set up…
  • PRACTICALLY TWINS! CW: 206 H: 5'6" GW: 135-140 A:28
  • Hi everyone! I just looked at the groups today for the first time so I thought I would join with my Memphis MFP buddies!
    in Still around? Comment by LLG210 May 2013
  • Exactly! Its good to plan out your day! That has helped tremendously. I can look ahead to birthdays, special occasions, etc when I know I may be tempted to eat sweets or something out of "the norm." On those days then I can eat a lighter lunch or dinner and not have to sacrifice something that I really want. That can be a…