Getting married Next July..

Hello,.. I am getting married next july 12th 2014. I am so scared because I am overweight and really need to lose. I know I have enough time its just my dad died in february and its really hard to get motivated to plan a wedding or lose weight. I am currently 24 years old 193lbs and i'm 5'8. I would like to be 160 when I get married but even 170 will do. I just don't know where to start or what to do. How many times should I work out in the week? My fiance eats terrible so its hard to eat healthy sometimes. I hope I reach this goal because I just want to be happy when I get married and I know if I don't lose the weight I wont be, I am going to go look for a dress in November or December and am terrified. I'm trying to push the dress shopping as far out as I can.


  • LLG210
    LLG210 Posts: 4 Member
    The great news took the FIRST STEP! I highly recommend finding friends on MFP with the same or similar starting weight and see what advice they have. Having a support system can really make your journey!! If you feel comfortable, you can also open up your diary to get better advice from your MFP friends. Set up your profile to lose 1 or 1.5 lbs per week and see how it goes with calories. Have you ever worked out before? If not, you dont want to start 7days/week 30 minutes a day because you probably wont stick to that. Find something that will easily fit into your schedule right now. I started walking 3 nights/week for at least 20 minutes. Its harder in the summer, but maybe you can find a gym with a walking track. Just some suggestions! I would love to be a part of your support system if you choose to do so!