That would be similar to stadiums, no? From what I hear it's the best workout, but maybe not if you are only climbing 1-2 flights :)
Right now I am taking Omega-3 fish oils and iron. The omega-3 is because Dr. Oz said so :P Iron because I donate blood regularly and my hemoglobin levels are often too low. I used to take a multi but it always made me throw up unless I took it with a starch-heavy meal. I used to take Emergen-C but I ran out :P
I'm in the Gainesville area, is that helpful?
Here :)
Yep I go to University of Florida and grew up in Ft. Lauderdale :)
Ehh I weight in once a week, if I can resist that long. Unless I know I'm being lazy, then I can got for as long a month :P But yes, weighing around period time is always confusing. Just wait a week before jumping to conclusions :)
I am 5'5 I weight 123 lbs I want to weigh no more than 110 lbs I think this will take about 4 months
I read that some people can eat carbs, and some people can't. Usually "apple shapes" can't while "pear shapes" can, and should. I am apple shape (most my fat goes to my torso, not my hips) and I've been doing well on low-carb so far.
Don't worry! You don't get skinny in one day, and you sure don't get fat in one day. Just lower your calories by 100 or so for the next few days and all will be averaged out in the end! Plus, you are mixing things up, right? So that's good!
I donate blood a lot (and I also bleed once a month) so I am always trying to get enough iron. I have an iron skillet that I cook with, and I also take iron supplements. I find that taking supplements is the only thing to consistently keep my iron levels high enough to donate blood every 8 weeks. If you are really worried,…
I get Christina Ricci, when she played in Casper and The Addams Family
I am Clare and I go to UF (Gainesville, FL). I was born/raised in Ft. Lauderdale so I'm a Florida girl through-and-through :)
I'm interested, what is the Flat Belly diet?
MFP put me at 1300 a day in order to lose 1lb a week. Which is interesting, because my BMR is about 1300 too. Honestly, since going low-carb I've found it hard to reach 1300 every day. Just now I was 400 under so I made some hotdogs to bring my total up to 1300 lol. Since it's for my plan of losing 1 lb a week, I assume I…
I would like to participate!
There is a website and a few apps dedicated to it. I am not sure which is the 'official' one, but I use Get Running and it's great :)
That is very interesting! Thank you!
I think this is true. And, I think your situation also had a lot to do with the sudden CHANGE in diet. I read a lot about diets in Europe and Asia and America is the only country that talks about "starvation mode", and we are also the fattest on average. You suddenly went from ~2,000 calories a day to ~100 a day. Anyway, I…
I want to join! Will we be updating our weights in the forums?
Burned with exercise only? If this includes BMR then that should be easy... if it is just exercise then that is a challenge!