

  • that's an odd coincidence because just last night, I thought mine "looked" smaller after losing only 10 lbs. Measurements at the end of next week will tell the true story. Keep up the great work!
  • First of all, I'm married to a registered dietician who has very strong feelings about obesity among today's children and adults, plus I work in a college that focuses on the public's health, so my views might be a bit biased with two influences. So, taking a look at this issue from another angle, our current child…
  • Measurements always seem iffy to me anyway. I mean, not only where you measure, but the tantness of the tape can vary from 1/2-1/2". The "feel" is as significant to me as the numbers on the scale. Congratulations!
  • You look fantastic now - and I can only imagine what a difference the next 47 will make. Great job and what an inspiration!
  • I'm 5'6" with 35 lbs to loose. I've already lost 10 lbs in the past 6 weeks and am really getting pumped about the benchmarks I have laid out for myself over the next 6 months. It does get more difficult after a certain age... :)
  • I'm in a similar situation. I deliberately get up and walk down the hallway to someone's office rather than email or call. We're in a four-story building, with restrooms on each floor, so I use that to my advantage, too. Either using a different one each time, or going up the stairs to the fourth floor, across to the other…
  • What a terrific goal! With that kind of "carrot" (and the other kind as well), you'll reach it! :)
  • What a terrific goal! With that kind of "carrot" (and the other kind as well), you'll reach it! :)