

  • The weight program I started, I did not do ANY excersize.....now that I have lost 30 pounds, I feel better and am able to do Zumba two nights a week. So, the weight for me was the fatigue...it's hard to excersize when you huff and puff through it and feel like your going to pass out. Eating right and jump starting your…
  • Need some help ladies!!!! I am on a Low to No Carb. diet. Ideal Protein. And I need to take in more calories, but I can't figure out how to go about it....I can't have any carbs...I am logging in 800-900 calories a day. Any suggestions how what I can do????
  • Hey "New"....nice to meet you....I a have been on the web site for about three weeks...I, unlike you are much older "46" and my three boys are almost grown...I have been doing ideal protein for the last few months and needed a site where I could record what I was eating and this site works great. It's mobile so I can use…