Hi...I'm new :)

Hi..my name is Leigh Ann and I am here to lose weight! :smile: I just had a baby in March 2011 and I only gained about 8lbs with her cause I had the gestational diabeties. So I weighed 170 when I got pregnant, at the end I weighed 178. After about 2 weeks of having her, I lost 25lbs and weighed 153. I am thankful I didn't gain a lot of weight and it gave me a good headstart. Now I'm going up to at least 157..and if I go over 160, I am going to be heart broken! As soon as I had her, I started eating sweets again..and I hate it!! For some reason, I can't find the foods that I had to eat when I was pregnant or make myself eat them.

Well, today is a new day and I'm starting fresh. Hopefully this website will help me along with the support of my mom, sister, and husband.


  • kkjar03
    kkjar03 Posts: 3
    Hey "New"....nice to meet you....I a have been on the web site for about three weeks...I, unlike you are much older "46" and my three boys are almost grown...I have been doing ideal protein for the last few months and needed a site where I could record what I was eating and this site works great. It's mobile so I can use my phone when I am away from my computer. I have lost 20+ pounds and 22 inches so far....this site shows 8 pounds, that's since I started with this app. Hang in there and read the back of everything...your body might need the extra calories since you just had a baby.....give yourself a break and relax...things are going be back to normal before you know it....if you need a weight loss buddy....I'm here for ya!!!! I'm Karen by the way....:)
  • lannheue23
    lannheue23 Posts: 24 Member