Although absorbant its not completely impermeable and gasses have extremely low viscosities compared to that of liquids which would still possibly cause problems or not.
Only if you can get a good enough seal. But as the expert suggested its probably a little bit dangerous because you can possibly u-tube the gas back to other areas that might not be so pleasant (i.e. u-tubing to your front side could be dangerous for women). Although it seems that you could combine both exercises of the…
I'm not an expert, goes my take. It seems that you would burn more underwater because the pressure is greater than normal atmospheric pressure. Given that in both cases you have a bare bottom. So simple answer is wear a tighter suit in the pool and fart away a lot more calories or wear much more restrictive…
I really like this method because I can practically do it while sitting at my desk working all day long, I just fart under my desk; however, I've noticed that there is a large accumulation of gas building under my desk...Do you have any recommendations for handling this? Signed, On the edge of my seat farting under my…
Do you recommend fart loading before starting this workout training?
what % of your farts are carb farts, protein farts and fat farts?
I had a similar problem at the age of 37!! I had never had problems before, even as a teen. I finally went to the dermetologist and got some medicine. It helps!
Actually, you make no sense, "35g popped = four cups popped", must be a "European thing". How about "convention ratio"? I've never heard of that one and I've had a lot of math classes. Did you mean conversion rate? And your last sentence, was a statement, not a question. Right? Hey, I do love the metric system though. Now…
The perfect explanation, great work...was everyone else ignoring the, "makes about 4 cups popped", line? That is the popped yield of the whole bag!!! To those thinking that it would make 10 cups of popcorn just think about what that would look like.
For each cup of popped popcorn you eat you consume 35 calories.