

  • Hi! I'm Courtney, and after my second child I am on a mission to get to my ideal weight for ME! I need all the motivation I can get and try to give as much as I can! Good luck to you!!
  • I have had hypothyroidism my entire life~born without a thyroid. I have gone up and down, but never been over 200 lbs. until last pregnancy (almost 9 months ago). It has always come off slow for me, but making sure your dosage is correct, being sensible with diet, and keeping active always helps me get back on track. It…
  • Wow, I was reading that and it sounded like me! I don't know how much of my profile you looked at, but I started at about 179 in Feb, 2 months after my 2nd child and have just recently made it to 10lbs gone! I am still breastfeeding though so I don't want to cut down calories too much yet! I HATE to exercise, but I…
  • 1) How tall are you? 5'3" 2) What was your starting weight? 1 started at about 179 in March 3) What is your goal weight? 130 4) How long did it take you to lose weight in 10 pound intervals? I am just recently down 10 lbs since Feb. 5) How active are you, and what type of activity? Normally I am lightly active, teacher…
  • I hear you! I am trying to lose the baby belly too (mom to 2 - ages almost 5 years, and 8 months)! I have had a pot belly as long as I can remember (even before pg) and now that I am done (knock on wood) having kids I would love to get rid of it (or mostly rid of it at least)! Do you use any fitness programs or particular…
  • I'll be your bud! I eat like a fool~go through good, well disciplined spells, and then turn into an idiot after I slip!