lgraham92 Member


  • Just wasn't sure on the rules! Glad to hear it should be okay! Please leave some suggestions for her (really.... They will be so I have tasty food!)
  • /eyeroll. At the risk of starting a flame war - If you legitimately think Starvation mode isn't a myth, I do ask you, care to explain Africa or Etheopia to me? How come they aren't all obese? Thought so. The worst thing that will happen if you eat to low is your metabolism will start to slow a tiny bit, and if you do it…
  • Starvation mode is a myth. Etheopia, Africa. Stop spreading that garbage
  • Completely your choice, but you cant outwork a bad diet. Weight loss is 90% diet 10% training. Keep yourself accountable by logging, also see my last post for how you could negatively affect your losses.
  • Yes. Depending how far over you go, you can effectively ruin 1-2 weeks of solid dieting EASILY. Say you are eating at a 500 calorie deficit per day, that equates to 3500 calories/week, which translates to 1lb (1Lb loss is 3500calories). If you consume a ton of fatty food/alcohol (Which will then lead to more bad food…
  • Been using Fitday for the past year and a bit, recently started using mfp after a friend from another forum recommended it. Currently he's my only buddy on here, but feel free to add me if you like =) I've gone from 300~ lbs down to 199, and am continuing to drop! I know what it's like when you just need to talk! *Edit* -…