mchall03 Member


  • Just recently completed a 30 day "no refined sugar" challenge, which cut out all artificial sweeteners, sugar, corn syrups, dextrose, maltodextrin.... really all "sugars" except fruit and raw honey. (Pure maple syrup and stevia were also allowed in this challenge, but I did not use them.) Based on that experience, here is…
  • THIS. I believe this is the most important component to losing weight and becoming healthy... realizing that you need to make a lifestyle change. It will keep you from getting discouraged, let you know that it is okay to indulge a little in "unhealthy" food on occasion, and encourage you because you know the change you are…
  • Not sure about a chicken recipe that you won't have to chew, but my husband and I love the Crock Pot Santa Fe Chicken recipe on, and if you cook it a nice long time the chicken will shred VERY easily and end up quite soft when mixed together with the broth and liquid. Skinnytaste is my go-to recipe blog…
  • I would recommend checking out GREAT healthy recipe blog in general, but she has a variety of crockpot recipes (and even ones that can be adapted to the crockpot, like the barbacoa beef, which I do frequently). Since you said your husband is "big on flavor" it made me think of skinnytaste recipes...…
  • THIS. I did 30DS then RI30. Ripped in 30 is harder, although the moves are similar. I was happy doing it right after 30DS though because it was definitely more of a challenge. Jillian is way more annoying in it though-- have to be able to get past that. (Also, I totally agree about Level 3 being harder than Level 4. If I…
  • If you search the message boards on here, there are several good comparisons of Insanity to P90X. Here's my personal experience: My husband and I chose to do Insanity (2 weeks left!) for a few reasons: we wanted the extreme cardio more than a weight-lifting program; it requires no equipment; it is a shorter workout (60…
  • Adding more veggies to your diet (along with any high-fiber foods, i.e., if you've been eating more whole-grains and beans) often will make you go to the bathroom more. Particularly if you've drastically changed the composition of you diet relatively quickly. Doesn't necessarily mean that it's a bad thing, your body is…
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