

  • i would LOVE to have that body. You have a problem if you think you look HUGE.
  • stay with MFP! it really helps!!!
    in Hello :) Comment by crs10 April 2011
  • I know my husband is a smoker right now and he usually skips meals and eats a large dinner. He is pretty skinny and ive been trying to get him to eat healthier and not miss meals but yeah he is usually smokign all day long then coming home at night having a small snack and then eating one large meal. I am personally not a…
  • I'm from Frederick Maryland but only going to be here another 6 weeks then I'm moving to sunny Florida!! :)
  • Your body is usually a week behind schedule. so if u workout one week u wont see results until the week after. That happened to me in the beginning I was doing 20 min cardio every day for two weeks and my results didnt start to show until the end of the month. i just had trouble again with that i upped my cardio to 40 mins…
    in disappointed Comment by crs10 March 2011
  • Ive actually had the same problem...I started at down to 195...and now I can't seem to go any farther. Im working out every day! and Im watching my calories. Im taking in only about 1400 plus doing the workouts so I dont know what's going on. I feel skinnier def I would just really like to see the scale go…