Woodzoo813 Member


  • I grew up with just me and my parents.(adopted) I do know many of my sisters and brothers (birth) on both sides of the family. We are not close like we might have been if we were raised together but I love them dearly. It really helps to have someone even if they are years younger or not real close(emotionally) when the…
  • Hello, I am Robin. I have lurked around here for some time. I am really trying to do the deal and get my blood sugar and weight under control. SW: 397 CW:351.4 GW:150ish I am 53 years old and struggle with health stuff just like everyone. I am not making any excuses anymore. I do not want to have any surgery for weight…
  • I am an adopted, only child. I did have more things growing up with two working parents and only one child but summer vacations at home or traveling were a bit lonely with no one to play with. I did have to learn as an adult for things to not be all about me. My parents were educators and they did not dote on me but since…