

  • laurad8911 - I get an all natural 30 day cleanser from the nutritional store, the name of it, I'm not sure because it is at home. It is made from natural things, so there is no cramping of the stomach or anything.. I can take a picture of it and post it when I get off, if you would like. It runs $17.99 per bottle!
  • 2005 SCION XB! :)
  • This is amazing!! Keep up the good work!! :)
  • I'm wondering if there are work out sessions on my cable box..I have comcast and have access to on-demand! I will have to look! Thanks for the suggestions!
  • Thank you everyone for the encouragment! It will be difficult because I work at a boring office job and I like to "bored eat." Not to mention it's at a hospital and the cafeteria is right down the hallway!!! eeeek!!