

  • I've been reading and reading on here about HRM opinions and as I looked on Amazon and eBay to check prices, I got confused. On both sites, they'll say Mens or Womens, and the Women's seem to be higher? Is there a difference between the two? Just watch size? Strap size? Thanks.... Oh and I see a F7 on eBay but the FT7 on…
  • My weigh-in did not go as I hoped either.... I weighed mid-week (Wednesday), and had lost, but it came back! Since last Saturday though, it was about 1/2 pound loss. I am doing the 9 minute Missions in Chris' new book and they're tough (for me anyway). So I may be adding muscle and I've heard 2nd week of losing can…
  • We have similar #s. I'm 37 and as of last week before I started up MyFitnessPal again, I was 198. I started reading Chris Powell's new book and his suggestion is to start with a promise or two to yourself. AND KEEP IT. Don't make a promise you know you're NOT going to keep. Mine was to drink 2 18oz cups of water a day,…
  • My family really liked this chicken recipe using Greek yogurt. I found it at 1 pound Boneless skinless chicken breasts or breast tenderloins (about 4 breasts) 1/2 cup Plain low fat Greek yogurt 3 tablespoons Grated parmesan cheese 2 teaspoons Garlic, chopped (or 1 teaspoon garlic powder) 1 teaspoon Dried…
  • Thank you, and to you too! I am working on doing Chris' 9 Minute Missions from his book. Some are kind of tough for me, as I'm a heavier gal! But I modify them if I have to and keep a movin'! I don't log that exercise into MFP, and I need to get in something else, but I'm making myself do those Missions for sure.…
  • Thank you! I don't expect the same result this week, but as long as it's going down and not up, I'll be happy. And I also sent you a friend request as you mentioned in your above post. I don't have any "active" MFP friends. My husband is trying this with me (not quite as strict as me though). He works odd hours and it's…
  • I don't have much to tell, but I'm doing the diet right now, starting my 2nd week today. I chose not to go the shake route (at least for now) and see how I do on my own. My first weigh-in was Saturday and I was down 4.2 pounds. I did have a few headaches during the week after the low-carb days. I'm using the online…
  • So my weigh in went well! Down 4.2 pounds; however, Saturday was a high-carb day and Sunday was my Reward day, so I'm sure I gained (I'm not weighing this morning!) BUT I'm trusting this plan that this will actually help in the long run. Firing up my metabolism for the low-carb days today and tomorrow. Saturday morning…
  • I am just getting started on this too and find the smartphone app to be really helpful. Although figuring out the menu was easier with the online Bode trainer. As for carb amounts, I'm not really counting carbs, just eating a reasonable serving size from the acceptable list. I also am not doing the shakes. I just bought…