

  • Whatever liquor with diet soda...add a lime for kicks if you want! I've called a bar to ask if I could bring my Vanilla Coke Zero to mix with their liquor and they said, it's wierd, but I don't like most diet soda's...but LOVE coke zero products! =)
    in alcohol? Comment by bwinters0 July 2011
  • Oh yeah, Grilled fish and lean steaks are great too. I live off turkey, fish and chicken...but I love my steaks too! Plus it's a good source of iron.
  • Hey! Well, it sounds like your exercising habits are going well. How are you eating habits? The main thing you must do when wanting to lose weight, is change your eating habits. Exercise is great too but you'll see the most overall results from diet. I just recently signed up with fitness pal to keep track of my daily…