

  • Starting weight: 220 Goal weight: 185 July 25th: 213 August 2nd: 215 August 8th: 210 August 15th: 212 Challenge goal: 205 Went up this week but it was really expected since I was away from home/my gym and went out to dinner with friends three times last week. One more week before school starts for me.... I hope to at least…
  • Thanks for all the help guys!! I happen to love fried rice so I looked it up and its like a bazillion calories a cup. Probably wouldn't be that filling either :/ Guess that's off the menu; I shouldn't be surprised it has "fried" right in the name.
  • Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all had a good weekend. Looks like i got back on track this week, though I'd like to exercise more. Here's the numbers. Starting weight: 220 Goal weight: 185 July 25th: 213 August 2nd: 215 August 8th: 210 Challenge goal: 205 This week is going to be tough since I am cat sitting far away…
  • Thanks Niebla! Yes, I was worried I was eating to little and that this might hamper my weight loss. I did a little research yesterday and, taking your exercise calories into account, you need between 1200-1500 calories a day. So... I redesigned my breakfasts and work lunches to include more calories to make sure I get up…
  • Oops Sorry guys I'm a day late. I did weigh myself yesterday but never posted it last night. I too had a frustrating gain of 2 lbs. Hopefully by next week I'll be back down. July 25: 213 August 2: 215 Here's to being good this week. :) Also, some days I go under my calorie goal which is exacerbated when I exercise. Am I…
  • Sigh. I've been so bad this week either eating to much or to little. Having to much Caffeine and not enough good stuff. I hate finals i feel like i've lost all control. Thank god tonight is my last final and I'm off for till the last week of August. I hope to get to the gym tonight if it's still open... if not it will just…
  • Managed to be right at 1500 cal yesterday even with my Birthday Cake! Yay! Hope everyone is having a good day so far... Hoping to get to the gym later on today. Good Luck Everyone!
  • Today 1 hour on the elliptical +stretching. I'm sure to blow my calorie goal out of the water with birthday cake.... I'm ok with it. :)
  • Morning everyone!! This is gonna be a tough week for me. I have a Final tonight, my birthday tomorrow, and a Final on Thursday. Here's hoping I can stay on track. Starting weight: 220 Current weight: 213 Goal weight: 185 Challenge goal: 205 Didn't exercise all weekend.... but I probably could have cut some time away to.…
  • Good Morning Everyone! I would have posted sooner but I didn't know where the thread was. My Name is Valerie and I'm a 25 (26 next Tuesday) Law Student from New Jersey. I'm single and I started all this because I want to feel better about myself and about my body; getting a date would not be the worst thing ever either.…
  • I'm in! This sounds like what my general goal is and a little extra motivation wouldn't hurt.
  • Vodka and seltzer with at least 2 slices of fresh lime. Very refreshing and you really only get the calories from the alcohol.
    in alcohol? Comment by Evercia July 2011