

  • yes I always eat all my protien plus some and all my carbs for the day.
  • I think I've hit my first wieght gain plateau:grumble: does anyone know how to jump start my weight gain again? I haven't been eating the same amount of calories everyday it's different everyday some days are over some are under. Don't know what to do Thanks Matt
  • Hello everyone This is might be a stupid question but is there such a thing as a plateau for gainning weight. Not sure if there is or not and if so what can I do when and if I ever reach it. Thanks in advance Matt
  • Hello just looking for anyone out there in MFP land trying to gain weight and wondering if it worked for them and what kind of things they did to achive thier goals. I'm currently taking protien shakes and creatine as well as working out just started though hopeing to see results in a month or so. Any tips or help is…
  • Hi my name is Matt. Most of you may hate me but I'm trying to gain weight, but it is very hard for me to gain weight I'm 6'2" and weigh 158 lbs, I hoping to be around 190 lbs in the future. If anyone could give me some helpful hints and any other suggestions that would be great. Thanks to all and hope to talk to you later.…