

  • yes some UK on here :happy: Hampshire England and nice Irish Gaelic name you have .(sometimes also see that as Roisin pronounced Rawsheen or Rowsheen) good luck wirth the plan T
  • So don't respond to intstinct...remember to ask what head says? Seems like sound advice and hope it keeps working well. Helpful, timely post on a Friday morning Thanks T
  • yes agree with all above -long is best tho' careful not to start intense for long as that can lead to soreness in next few days and put you off doing it again....mix and match and remember to use the weights slowly to tone muscles:smile:
  • jayb123x Thanks for welcome..hope you can achieve your aims i am going on a 65 km (40mile) cycle this morning....prep for a 51 mile charity cycel on Sunday morning not looking forward to those big hills...gulp! take care T
  • Hi Rose Thanks for welcome...how is your plan coming along? Do you have any tips for making the most of this site..do's don't's etc take care T