Getting started

HI everyone, after a few years trying to lose weight on my own..decided to follow some advice and join a group of like-minded people ..hoping you can share advice and offer some support. I aim to lose 28 pounds.

Have been cycling for years and never seem to lose enough weight ...and regularly cycle 30 miles ...seems my portion sizes at mealtimes and snacking is the problem. So, now I am going to record everything on this tool and watch the pounds fall off ,,,I hope

If you are iving near North Hampshire (England) and would like to get in touch ..ride some miles in the lovely countryside or just share your experience that would be very welcome

Good luck to you all



  • redrose66
    redrose66 Posts: 31
    Hi and welcome, hope you have fun and enjoy your weight loss journey
  • tullylish54
    Hi Rose

    Thanks for is your plan coming along?

    Do you have any tips for making the most of this's don't's etc

    take care

  • jayb123x
    jayb123x Posts: 138
    Welcome. I just started tracking on my phone 2 days ago and it really opened my eyes as to how many calories, fat, chol., etc I have been eating.
  • tullylish54

    Thanks for welcome..hope you can achieve your aims

    i am going on a 65 km (40mile) cycle this morning....prep for a 51 mile charity cycel on Sunday morning

    not looking forward to those big hills...gulp!

    take care

  • astul
    astul Posts: 63 Member
    Hi there! Welcome to the site - I hope it helps with the calorie countng for you - I've found it's quite addictive and easy to use! The stories people tell are really inspirationally too and keep you going!
    Good luck with those there hills!
  • roebuck1908
    roebuck1908 Posts: 185
    Hi I'm in Watford it is a very good site add me as a friend