crweaver23 Member


  • ck out
  • also if you will cut out processed food you will start losing.... use olive oil or coconut oil for cooking...
  • Not sure how much water your are drinking but a gallon a day is perfect...You need to be exercising if your not...I do 1 1/2 to 2 hours a day I know it seems like a lot but I have worked up to it...Start off 30 min a day if it seems to long break it up to 2 15min or 3 10 min...Cardio is best for losing weight but also need…
  • I weight in sometimes everyday lolol but try once a week...Its hard for me to lose with the health issues I have so if I weight everyday and see it going down its like YES!! and if it is up it makes me want to work harder!!! So I vary!