

  • Thanks for posting this question as I, too was wondering how to get my work outs in. I am a single mom and after getting home, playing with my son, getting dinner done, cleaned up and then my son cleaned up and in bed I am EXHAUSTED and the last thing I want to do is work out, even if it is only 20 min! I have my alarm set…
  • Where did you get the "I haven't smoked in...." ticker???
  • Ok I am a TOTAL TOOL! I just realized that I fat fingered my weight when I started this and made myself 100lbs heavier than I am so now after I changed it my calorie intake for the day is 350 lower than it was....OMG I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks to everyone for the words of encouragement and suggestions. I do think that if I try to tackle both of these things full force I risk failing at one or both! So maybe I will just log my food, do my work outs and focus more on the smoking thing and not beat myself up too badly if I go over on my calories until I get…
  • I enjoy the 30 day shred DVD but my issue is how to log it for exercise properly on here......any advice/suggestions???