

  • Anything that gets you moving and motivated will help you lose weight! Sure, some "Shred" or "Intensity" workout is going to burn a lot more calories, but the key is consistency--it adds up! Good for you!
  • Anything by Florence and The Machine! The drum beats are killer and her voice just makes me want to RUN! I listened to Florence and ONLY Florence for the entire length of my last half marathon.
  • That's awesome! So many people think they're "not runners," but really you have to just give it a try! (Love your username by the way. Donald Miller came to speak at my college once.)
  • One more thing. If your cough persists (and if it's just a light congested cough), try those mentholated shower tablets that activate from the steam in your shower...they're AHmazing.
  • I'm originally from Maine, so I've definitely experienced this. Now that I live in Texas it's not so bad. Cold is constricting, that's why we put ice on our knees after a long run to constrict blood vessels and prevent inflammation. When you're breathing in cold air, all of the little pockets in your lungs tighten up and…
  • I'm also a recovering bulimic and I had a terrible day today, too. I ended up purging when I felt like I overate but looking back on it it really wasn't that much. I usually have some defense mechanisms that work well, but I wasn't able to use any of them today. Here are a couple methods I use to help me stay on a winning…
  • I just moved to Killeen from San Antonio. Are you running the Austin half marathon? I've run it a few times and I'm running the full this year. It's one of the best and most well-organized races I've ever done. Hope you're training for some HILLS!
  • I don't know you so forgive me when I say YOU HAVE A GREAT BUTT! Congratulations! We have a very similar goal, so I am so excited to know of your success and see it in my future! (And what a lovely family, I might add.)
  • I like to make a pot of hot tea with skim milk and honey. The warm liquid makes me feel full, the sweet satisfies my craving, and it's only about 26 calories a glass!
  • I like to make a pot of hot tea with skim milk and honey. The warm liquid makes me feel full, the sweet satisfies my craving, and it's only about 26 calories a glass!
  • That's awesome! I hope you enjoyed the race atmosphere. I was scared of it at first but now I love it!
  • I run a LOT, and I have the Victoria's Secret fitness collection sports bras and they are miraculous. Not only do I not bounce at ALL, but I have full range of motion in my arms. It also looks really great with a tank top--it's not high-cut like some of the others. I bought mine at an outlet so it was a lot less expensive,…
  • Just enjoy your party, but make sure you log it. For me, it's really helpful to input even the "cheat" foods because I've learned a lot about the calories and nutritional value of some of those foods. I've given up a few cheat foods because I realized it wasn't satisfying enough for the calories, but others I still keep…
  • I feel you! Unfortunately that straight-up-and-down look has been all the rage for a long time, but curvy ladies are coming back with a vengeance! Your weight loss will have no affect on your bone structure; however, I find that my trouble spot is actually the spot on the outer thighs that comes to a point where your leg…
  • If you lose weight purely by dieting, you are pretty much guaranteed to gain all of it back once you return to a normal diet. When you diet, your body goes into a sort of "starvation mode" and will adjust your metabolism in order to hang on to the nutrients and energy of the food you're eating. I think that you're not…
  • Good for you! Being healthy and fit before pregnancy will help with back and joint pains, ease labor, and make it easier to drop the baby weight after you've delivered. I'm not sure how exercise and diet affects your ability to conceive (only severe deficits will affect your ovulation, so if you've been having normal…
  • If you search "strength training" or "weights" under cardiovascular exercise, you can still enter how many minutes you did it and it will show calories burned. Also, know that sweating is your body's temperature control, not an indication of calorie burn. If you're sweating a lot during your workouts, make sure you drink 1…
  • Try wearing a pedometer while you're busy running around the house. Then you can add those burned calories under "walking."
  • Your knees aren't muscles, so they don't get "stronger." If you're having knee pain you might be performing your exercises in a position that is putting strain on your knees. If your knee itself is hurting you should see a physical therapist because you might be making the problem worse. If you're not feeling sharp pains…
  • I would also do some research into how many calories you're actually burning. People who weigh more burn calories faster. My husband and I are both runners. I burn about 125 calories per mile (which is approximately calculated using my height, weight, age, and fitness level) and my husband (who is 6'2" and an elite…
  • Lean muscle burns calories faster so really they go hand in hand. Lean muscle is not going to bulk you up, so don't worry about that. I would say that anywhere between 115 and 120 is a good goal because your weight can fluctuate as much as 3-5 pounds in a given day anyway, you'll never be exactly 115 all day every day.…
  • Good for you! I'm training for a marathon, too. I just completed my third half marathon with my husband, and my husband is hoping to complete a half Ironman this year. He is also a physical therapist and my "trainer," so I'd like to give you some advice that I've learned from him and from my own running experiences:…