RhiannonWatters Member


  • Inspirationnnnnnn~ Great awesome fantastic job! :D
  • That's how I go about it. I eat what I want, but in portions, and if I go over my calorie limit, I exercise it off. I tried dieting and it made me miserable, so I just ration what I eat, but eat the same stuff.
  • Walking, for all that walking around. You can always Google how much a roller coaster or ride burns, I do that for all kinds of stuff that's not listed. You can also log the swimming, too.
  • That's how I felt about 3, especially. I watched part of four, and it was alright, but I feel like if you haven't read the books, that one is kind of hard to understand.
  • I liked the first two movies, but after that they seemed kind of like a Cliffs Notes version of the books... I ended up stopping watching them, and just reading the books instead. xP
  • Dancing Kirby? (>^.^)> <(^.^<) That's all I got.
  • Thanks everyone. :3 I really appreciate the support. I'm amazed at how friendly everyone is here, I love it already. d^-^b ... Also, I love emoticons. Sorry if it annoys anyone.
  • I got mine second-hand about a month and a half ago, and they make walking much more comfortable (for me anyways). They're really soft and cushiony, and put a kind of spring in your step when you walk. I'd suggest insoles though, they don't have much arch support. They do the job though; my legs/thighs get a lot more burn…