niclodn Member


  • I'm not creative at all with coming up with a whole meal, but I do chicken breasts all the time in steam bags. Paired with some steam in the bag veggies and voila! So quick and easy.
  • Updating! 15.45 total so far!
  • 4.02 miles last night! url=]
  • Have you tried Jeff Galloway's Walk/Run method? I never thought I'd be a runner either, but I've been following his program and have completed 2 half-marathon's already this year and am registered for 4 more:)
  • Sounds fun!
  • I'm in! Going for 60:)
  • You look great! Way to go! And congrats on your half! Tink was my first half too:)
  • I love reading about what others are up to:) I just started running about 6 months ago and have found that races keep me motivated -- especially given the heat/humidity we've had here in NC this summer! I've done 4 - 5K's and the Warrior Dash already this summer and have these lined up: 8/25 - OrthoCarolina 10K 9/15 - Hit…
  • Did my first Dash on Saturday in Huntersville, NC! It was awesome! Well, except for that water one -- it sucked. Would probably still be there if some random dude hadn't helped me out a bit:)
  • Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement! I'm gonna bite the bullet and register. I realize 10 miles is a LONG way, but I don't plan to run the entire thing -- I like Jeff Galloway's run/walk approach. I've done hikes that are 10+ miles, but those have always been at a slower (think meandering) pace. So I need to…
  • Good luck to you! I know anything is do-able, but I'm really concerned about the mental aspect -- I tend to quit when the going gets tough. And as I look at the training plan, all I can think about is can I really build up the stamina required to do this in 6 short months???
  • That's my concern as well. Its a Disney race and from what I understand they "sweep" the course based on pacing requirements from the time the last corral crosses the start line. So, basically 2 hours and 40 minutes after the last corral starts, anyone not finished would be "swept". I expect to be in the last corral since…
  • This is so me! I have tried over and over again to lose weight, but as soon as I start making progress I find some excuse to mess it up. Its so disheartening. But here I am yet again..
  • Count me in! Did week 3 day 2 last night and felt every bit of it! I've never been a runner, but need some motivation to get moving. Am doing the Expedition Everest Challenge at Disney in May. Should have just enough time to finish the C25K before the event. Up next, if I can keep with it, is the Tower of Terror 10-miler…
  • I started yesterday too! I walked at 3.2 and ran at 5. I was impressed that I was able to do the whole 20 minutes properly! Am hoping I can keep it up -- I have had issues with my ankles and knees in the past, so we'll see...
  • I am 5'2" and I'd love to see the 130's! Not sure that's possible though -- when I had my body fat measured last year, they said I had 130 pound of lean body tissue -- so in order to see the 130's I'd need to lose muscle or give up a few bones/organs. Am shooting for 150 and we'll see how I look then. I'm all boobs and…