lilrani Member


  • Since its cold here in Chicago, I've been putting my daughter in her stroller and literally walking in circles in my living room. Also, once your baby is about 4 monthsish. I basically lie down and make my daughter fly on my legs, like superman. (legs like on my calves i guess, not feet). *this vid shows something like it:…
  • Hey, am I too late to join in on this challenge?
  • OMG ICECREAM! aahhhh. i found a GREAT alternative however. Take 2 frozen bananas and blend together in food processor (add peanut butter or coffee or almonds for great add-ins)
  • Hey. So I can relate to what's you're feeling. I have a 4 month little one. But honestly, drinking just shakes won't push you towards your goal, bc as soon as you start "real food" ... You'll gain weight. I've been substituting one meal for smoothies, so I pack in fruits and spinach and get a good protein combo going.…
  • Hey :). I have a 3 month and am trying to lose the weight as well. i just cant seem to get the weight to move. its a complete struggle since now i'm trying to lose weight that i gained through college and all. i've got about about 30 lbs to go :(. i have also been retaining some weight since i started birth control, but i…
    in Friends! Comment by lilrani January 2013
  • SO ugliness is a personal opinion. All you that said that you guys think you are ugly, you ladies are wrong. If you feel better about yourself and feel confident that you do all you can to make yourself a better person, then you will be prettier. Each of us look different, we all can't be Heidi Klum or Kim Kardashian. Each…
  • Hey all :) I'm a new mama and would love more support and motivation. Add me :). lilrani