

  • Well, the good news is that I would expect sore ankles at that frequency after a long lay off and little recovery time, so this is perfectly normal. Even though you might be *able* to run that much, you're likely to injure yourself (been there!). I would first take a few days off, at least one day after you feel fully…
  • How long has it been since you ran regularly? How much are you doing now? Are you increasing time/distance gradually? Running is something you need to build up slowly for muscles but more so the joints.
  • With respect, I would look at the types of food as well as the absolute calories. Aim for more vegetables. Ice creams, chocolate puddings, bars and brownies etc are not helping you reach your goals. There's a lot of brand name, processed food in there with high sugar and salt values. The word "light" on the label only ever…
  • Weight as an absolute number is only one measure. It's also specific to you. Your body composition is likely better than your friends...and if you exercise and she doesn't your bones could well be are thicker/heavier too. I doubt your friend said it to make you feel bad. Most likely 160 is a number that shocked her and…
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