

  • Hand held ones are very unreliable and depend highly on hydration. I had a DEXA scan at my doctor's office for body composition. They did the handheld first to compare. The handheld one said 30% but the DEXA was at 38%. I'm 5'2" and 123lbs. I was shocked at how high it was. The gym told me I was 25%.
  • Honestly, a beginner has no need to target train. Large compound movements will build core strength and work all the major muscles. Once you are more advanced then you can do some accessory exercises to target you weaknesses. New Rules is a great place to start. So do squats, bench presses, pushups, pullups, and deadlifts.…
  • Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed reading this thread. I just started lifting again. I did P90X last year but have been a coach potato for the last 10 months. My goal is to tone and lose 8lbs. Currently, 5'1" and 123lbs. My current schedule is to lift M-W-F and do cardio on 3 other days. Trying to keep my calories…
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