Calling all Women Lifters



  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Well, like I said, I do "mostly" Paleo. See now, I can handle the dairy (even though I don't care for it too much) but the grains definitely affect me. We all have our foods we're sensitive too. And as for chocolate...oh hell no. Everything in moderation.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Is there anyone else on here who has a Body Media or BodyBugg?

    I have stepped up my training regimen and noticed over the past 2 weeks that my BMR has gone up 200 points. So if I do nothing all day, I am now burning just over 2000 calories instead of just over 1800.

    I know that I put on a couple of pounds of muscle... but that's a 10% increase in BMR.... pretty high if you ask me.

    Was wondering if anyone else noticed this?
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Hey all...

    What types of protein do you depend on? I'm not referring to brands... but sources... Whey, Soy, Fish, Bird, Mammal, Egg, Rice, Hemp, etc?

    I focus on Whey, Soy, Egg and Fish and add in chicken as needed (in about that order of quantity). Rarely, I do beef.

    I like to do Whey right after my workout for its fast absorption... and Soy before bed since it takes longer to absorb but is easier to digest than animal protein.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Hi - I saw Guardup's post in another thread and thought this may be an interesting place for me. :glasses:

    I don't exclusively lift - I do CrossFit, which incorporates a lot of O-lifting.

    Today we did a strength practice of snatch-grip deadlifts - basically a wider grip deadlift. 3 x 5 (1st set 115lbs, 2nd set 125lbs, 3rd set 130lbs) - I could've gone heavier, but working on the lock grip and it's a little uncomfortable.

    The WOD was 30-20-15-10 Wall Balls (14lbs), Kettle Bell Swings (16kg) - I Rx'd it in 13:09

    As for protein, I stick to the basics - lean meats, chicken, eggs and the occasional whey protein isolate. I sometimes use recovery aids such as recoup & BCAA's or Beta Alanine. I tried Hemp once and couldn't swallow it!:sick: I'm also following Paleo 80-20. In November I did it 100% and lost 6 pounds all while maintaining my muscle.

    Hope you don't mind me jumping in here.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Yay, another crossfitter!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Workouts have been great all week! Today is my rest day - did 5 CF days in a row (this is my weekly goal)

    Monday: Pull Up Ladder & Overhead Squat (65-70-75-80-85-85)
    Tuesday: DIANE 21-15-9 (150lb deadlift & Handstand Push Ups)
    Wednesday:20 min AMRAP 5 Thrusters, 7 Power Cleans, 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (65lb) - 7 rounds + 2/3rds
    Thursday: 1K Row, 21 ring dips, 500m row, 15 ring dips, 250m row, 9 ring dips & Floor Press 3 x 5 reps (95-100-105)
    Friday: 30-20-15-10 Wall Balls (14lbs)/KBS 16kg & Snatch Grip Deadlifts 3 x 5 reps (115, 125, 130)
    Saturday: REST (taking my girls tobogganing)
    Sunday a METCON day.

    Diet: pretty good all week - back to 80-20 Paleo eating. Yesterday was a cheat day - Had alcohol. Tonight is a "Girls Night Out", and Indian is being ordered. Will try to stick to tandoori's and spinach but :heart: :heart: :heart: me some Dal Mahkani! And likely to have some wine again tonight.
  • Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed reading this thread. I just started lifting again. I did P90X last year but have been a coach potato for the last 10 months. My goal is to tone and lose 8lbs. Currently, 5'1" and 123lbs. My current schedule is to lift M-W-F and do cardio on 3 other days. Trying to keep my calories around 1200 a day. I really have trouble losing weight and this week I even gained a pound with all the exercise. I'm looking forward to being inspired by you ladies.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Just a bit of good news...

    I hit 17.7% body fat. Finally broke the 18 barrier.

    Had an awesome 3 hour workout today. Chest, Triceps and Obliques... some cardio (walking 4mph) and lots of stretching.

    Bench Press is going to a new level... finding 140lbs to be too light (10 reps without any hesitation)... even with X-Reps. So I'm going to ramp up to 160 and then 180. My daughters are pushing me to get to 200 (1 rep max) because they know some boys who say women can't bench 200. lol

    BTW - bought some new sports bras on sale at Marshalls... if you have one nearby, check it out. They have some really good quality bras for under $15.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Hi! Just a quick intro. post to subscribe. I am a former gymrat who is getting back into things after a long hiatus. Nothing much to report yet as I'm working on getting basics down like portion control/daily body movement aka cardio but I am excited to lift heavy as I can ASAP.

    At my most fit, I was squatting in the 120s (squats are my favorite and the only number I can remember...It's been a year or ten. *gulp*) and had a bodyfat percentage of 19. I'd love to approach that again!

    I am glad to finally find a thread of gym-types "like me". I don't much care for group movement classes or even video. I'm too klutzy!

    I am intrigued by the crossfit stuff for sure! Looks like so much FUN!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm starting New Rules Stage 4 tomorrow. The only shift I've seen in measurements for the past two months is 1/2 inch down in my calves and a 1/2 inch up in my thighs. Considering, I was a bad girl through the holidays I won't complain...too much.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    It *is* good to see women who aren't afraid to work hard and lift heavy. Nice job on the BF, Guardup! I'm back on the wagon today with my food. My workouts have been pretty stellar, (even set some PR's last week) but the diet has fallen to pieces.

    Today is 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 deadlifts with 60 second rest in between. My 1rep max deadlift is 210. Last week I did 15rep (no rest) at 165# and I know I should have gone heavier. Even after all this time I let self-doubt creep in and limit myself. Grrrrr. So anyway, I'm curious to see what weight I'll be using for this workout. I <3 deadlifts!!!
  • I'm starting New Rules Stage 4 tomorrow. The only shift I've seen in measurements for the past two months is 1/2 inch down in my calves and a 1/2 inch up in my thighs. Considering, I was a bad girl through the holidays I won't complain...too much.

    Oh! I start stage 4 next week (this is my rest week). How are you liking it so far? Since I've started I've lost 7lbs of fat!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Argh! Aggravated!! No CF for me today, my 4 year old daughter is running a high fever. Unlikely I'll be able to go tonight either when hubby gets home - he tweaked his calf muscle yesterday playing squash and is going to see the MD as he thinks it's torn. I don't have heavy weights at home (just 15 lb dumbbells and 30 lb bar)... I guess it'll be a cardio day with some body resistance.:sad:
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm starting New Rules Stage 4 tomorrow. The only shift I've seen in measurements for the past two months is 1/2 inch down in my calves and a 1/2 inch up in my thighs. Considering, I was a bad girl through the holidays I won't complain...too much.

    Oh! I start stage 4 next week (this is my rest week). How are you liking it so far? Since I've started I've lost 7lbs of fat!

    Pretty much the same as Stage 2 with rep differences and longer planks. I guess my body is recomping. I've stayed pretty steady on weight and inches. My last two month measurments had my calves down 1/2 inch and my thighs up 1/2 inch with everything else staying the same. The really weird thing is that I went shopping the other day and had to go down a size in pants.

    I had been eating at maintenance, but I'm trying to go back to a deficit. It's really hard to do that on this program. I've actually awaken in the middle of the night and be in low blood sugar, so it's been a balancing act.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    There's CrossFitters on here! :drinker:
    I've been trying to find a CF forum on here and hadn't found anything other than people asking what it's like.
    I've been doing CF for about a year now.
    Just now getting below 20% bf again, but honestly my body's much more comfortable lower. I'm striving for 15%.
    About 15 lbs. to go (if I didn't gain any muscle).

    XFitMom - isn't it annoying to not be able to go somedays? It's honestly an addiction.
    cbarber - I envy your DL #. I was in a car accident a few years ago that really killed my back. My legs can get the bar up, but my back can't straighten it out :laugh: Hoping to get up to 200# this year. 1 RM a week ago was 181.

    My biggest trouble area is Overhead Squats. I can only do a few at 65#. Usually I go with 55# or lighter. Could be a product of weak back from car accident still or my core. I'm leaning towards core.
    My goals for this year are 15% BF, 1 muscle-up, 10 kipping pull-ups in a row, 200# DL, and 75# OH squat.
    I'm great at MetCon, not so great at heavy lifting, but I'm working on it. Oh, and running :grumble:
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Nice Rose! I think we all have things in CF we're good at and things we suck at. My weaknesses...well there are a ton, but the ones that pop into my mind are OHS, snatches and box jumps. So much of it is mental, though. I had only done 45# OHS until the other day. Somehow I managed 75#!!!! That was amazing to me, and obviously some kind of breakthrough. I still have such a hard time getting down in to the squat. Blah.

    Workout (posted it earlier) was great today. 195, 195,195,195,195,200,200,200,205,195. Tried 210 for the last set, but it wasn't budging. I'm already feeling my *kitten*. Tomorrow should be fun. :sad:

    So someone fill me in...what's this New Rules?
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I'm interested in New Rules myself.

    Sorry for an utter newbie check-in. I'm excited because today I started back lifting weights for the first time since "waking up" in late November and realizing I needed to do something. (I've been logging my food and walking the track/eliptical 6x a wk. for a little over a month.)

    I am a big fan of Krista Scott-Dixon and used to follow the newsgroup way back when. She's got a fairly swank website now that I find to be a pretty amazing resource for women lifters. It's got a real-strength/OL/CF slant to it which I find real appealing. Anyway, all that to say that I am doing the Beginner's Full-body M/W/F routine It's here:

    For the legs component, I only did 30 lbs on my sumo squat. I am feeling it though which makes me excited to do more.

    Squats are my favorite. :bigsmile:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    There's CrossFitters on here! :drinker:
    I've been trying to find a CF forum on here and hadn't found anything other than people asking what it's like.
    I've been doing CF for about a year now.
    Just now getting below 20% bf again, but honestly my body's much more comfortable lower. I'm striving for 15%.
    About 15 lbs. to go (if I didn't gain any muscle).

    XFitMom - isn't it annoying to not be able to go somedays? It's honestly an addiction.
    cbarber - I envy your DL #. I was in a car accident a few years ago that really killed my back. My legs can get the bar up, but my back can't straighten it out :laugh: Hoping to get up to 200# this year. 1 RM a week ago was 181.

    My biggest trouble area is Overhead Squats. I can only do a few at 65#. Usually I go with 55# or lighter. Could be a product of weak back from car accident still or my core. I'm leaning towards core.
    My goals for this year are 15% BF, 1 muscle-up, 10 kipping pull-ups in a row, 200# DL, and 75# OH squat.
    I'm great at MetCon, not so great at heavy lifting, but I'm working on it. Oh, and running :grumble:

    I've posted topics before trying to get interested parties to join my CrossFitting addiction. You are right - total addiction - probably has a lot to do with the endorphin high :laugh:
    I'm sooooo far from a low BF composition. My issue is that I have hereditary diabetes - right now it's insulin resistance and my body just stores fat, no matter my diet or workouts. The minute I deviate from eating a strictly Paleo diet, I gain weight like mad! :brokenheart: It's totally maddening and frustrating, but at least I know I am healthy and strong and in shape despite the fat.

    My 1RM DL is 225; my OHS is 85 (but my wrists are really taped up); Shoulder Press 92; back Squat 172
    I'm working on getting a Kip, I suppose muscle ups would follow suit. I suck at running too, but that's an injury - both ankles are riddled with tendonitis.

    I love to squat too, but always feel a little sick when I see Thrusters on the menu :sick: :laugh:
    My weakness is pull ups/I can jump, but my ankles kill me for 2 weeks after, as does running. I think the tendonitis will diminish significantly once I lose 20 - so that is my major goal for 2011 (Rx is 30 :wink: )

    BARBER - Again, thanks for that Link... i bookmarked it and will be using it!
  • ldekker
    ldekker Posts: 11 Member
    Hello fellow CrossFit Chicks!

    I am a recent CrossFit convert (of four months) and, like all of you, am completely ADDICTED.

    I am 19 years of age, weigh 53.4kg, have a body fat percentage of <20% and have never been this fit!

    Before CrossFit, I had never lifted any weights heavier than a 5kg dumbbell and now I am lifting the womens' Rxd weight for most exercises.

    At the moment, my goals are to perfect my kipping pull-up technique (five reps is my maximum), to master the toes-to-bar exercise and also to get comfortable with running long distances!

    Unfortunately at my gym there is a lack of female participants - in fact, it is only myself and one other girl - so it is great to see so many women getting involved!

    I will definitely continue reading this post :)
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