Calling all Women Lifters



  • aprilshowers13
    A most awesome day at the gym. 3 hours of back exercises... 625 calories earned. I've reached almost all of my nutrient goals and have 1245 calories left. I expect to eat about 600 more in chicken wings and popcorn tonight for the Patriots game. I'll take the rest as a deficit.

    I LOVE the weekend and long mornings of lifting.

    I'm so jealous of extra 1245 cals!:drinker:
  • JeanMargaret
    I like to use dumbbells, b/c they're so versatile.

    The hardest/most creative, as of late, is the bowler's lunge from Chalean Extreme. It's difficult for me, and OH does it burn! ;-)

    *Go heavy or go home!*

  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I like to use dumbbells, b/c they're so versatile.

    The hardest/most creative, as of late, is the bowler's lunge from Chalean Extreme. It's difficult for me, and OH does it burn! ;-)

    *Go heavy or go home!*


    Dumbbells are versatile... but they are limited when it comes to back exercises. Also, since they require so many small stabilizer muscles, it is hard to work your large muscles to failure. Often, the stabilizers enter failure before the larger ones do.

    I do dumbbells, barbells, body weight, pullies, nautilus machines, lever machines, guide machines, kettle bells and just about everything I can find at the gym. The more diversity in my routine, the more my muscles resist adaptation... which means they overload easier and keep sending messages to my brain to build more muscle.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Workout done. 1000m row, 50 thrusters (35# bar), 30 pull ups. Time was 13:15. Tore a callous on my hand, which didn't help the pull ups any. But still not happy with the time. Plenty of room for improvement. Afterwards I worked on rope climbs and double unders. Not a bad day at the gym.
  • aprilshowers13
    Workout done. 1000m row, 50 thrusters (35# bar), 30 pull ups. Time was 13:15. Tore a callous on my hand, which didn't help the pull ups any. But still not happy with the time. Plenty of room for improvement. Afterwards I worked on rope climbs and double unders. Not a bad day at the gym.

    Good job on the pull ups!
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Workout done. 1000m row, 50 thrusters (35# bar), 30 pull ups. Time was 13:15. Tore a callous on my hand, which didn't help the pull ups any. But still not happy with the time. Plenty of room for improvement. Afterwards I worked on rope climbs and double unders. Not a bad day at the gym.

    Do you do these in sets (ie. Is this a circuit)? Or do you do all the reps at once?

    Good job on your time. Must have kept a strong heart rate.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    That workout was for time. No sets. Do the 1000m row, jump off grab the bar, do the 50 thrusters then the 30 pull ups. Those thrusters were only with the 35# bar, but a killer after the row.

    Today's workout is 3 rounds for time of 400m run, 21 kettlebell swings (35#), 12 pull ups. I may have to modify this one and use a 25# kb. We'll see. Getting a little tired of the pull ups since my hand is still ripped up. :frown:
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    That workout was for time. No sets. Do the 1000m row, jump off grab the bar, do the 50 thrusters then the 30 pull ups. Those thrusters were only with the 35# bar, but a killer after the row.

    Today's workout is 3 rounds for time of 400m run, 21 kettlebell swings (35#), 12 pull ups. I may have to modify this one and use a 25# kb. We'll see. Getting a little tired of the pull ups since my hand is still ripped up. :frown:

    Are you doing actual pull-ups or chin-ups? I find chin-ups are much easier on the hands (but harder on the back) than pull-ups... pull-ups use more rotation around the hand meat.

    A suggestion is to try a good fitting glove. The other possibility is that instead of doing so many pull up reps, hold a dumbbell between your knees to add more weight. This will lower the number of reps you can do and still get you a good workout.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Those are pull ups. Actually kipping pull ups. Don't start...I know the controversy. I also do deadhangs regularly. I don't use gloves but will be taping my hands for the next few days until this tear heals. The workouts we do at Crossfit are set. I just do what's prescribed. Unless it needs to be modified for some reason. Actually I modify all the time. For example, today's workout calls for handstand pushups, and since I can't do as many full ROM as prescribed, I'll be doing them in bands.

    I spent years doing a traditional lifting program and saw a ton of changes in appearance and strength. Crossfit is just so fun for me. But yes, there are days I miss going to the gym and doing my own thing. I enjoy reading about your workouts guardup. I hope others will post theirs as well.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Those are pull ups. Actually kipping pull ups. Don't start...I know the controversy. I also do deadhangs regularly. I don't use gloves but will be taping my hands for the next few days until this tear heals. The workouts we do at Crossfit are set. I just do what's prescribed. Unless it needs to be modified for some reason. Actually I modify all the time. For example, today's workout calls for handstand pushups, and since I can't do as many full ROM as prescribed, I'll be doing them in bands.

    I spent years doing a traditional lifting program and saw a ton of changes in appearance and strength. Crossfit is just so fun for me. But yes, there are days I miss going to the gym and doing my own thing. I enjoy reading about your workouts guardup. I hope others will post theirs as well.

    You won't hear controversy from me. Just pay attention to your body... especially if you discover joint pain (as opposed to muscles around the joint).

    Personally, I don't do Handstand Pushups or any exercise that has my hands positioned directly over my head. I've been through shoulder problems and don't want to go back there.

    But I've also seen people (usually younger than me) who can do some really crazy stuff and it doesn't seem to bother them. So more power to them. The wonder about life is its diversity... even among the same species.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Yesterday's workout:

    3 sets of 50 pushups, 3 sets of 10 pull ups, 3 sets of 15 dips, 3 sets of 10 chin ups and 3 sets of 10 180-degree leg lifts.

    Needless to say, I will be doing legs today. :ohwell:
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    So yesterday I managed to burn over 700 calories doing leg exercises (hack, squat, extension, ab and ad, ham curl, inside and outside calves) and a light cardio warm-up. Total workout time was 90 minutes. I checked BodyBugg and it said I was burning 5 calories a minute while I was *stretching*.

    What this tells me is that today is a rest day. That's a very high BMR which generally means my body is working hard to repair muscle from the intense workouts I've been pushing through this week.

    Did I mention how much I hate rest days?

    I do allow myself to walk, however. I'll keep it at 3 miles an hour or less... just get the body moving.

    I was pleased to see that I dropped .6% on my body fat over the past 2 weeks. Not surprised... I've had some pretty good deficits (when I am not making a trip to the pub, anyway :tongue:)

    Got some great compliments yesterday from a couple of trainers. They both noticed my improvements. :smile:

    Has anyone else here found it kind of cool/weird to be taking a shower and realizing that your shoulders and abs don't feel like yours because of how much firmer, bigger and more defined they are? My butt is way firmer than ever before. My husband reminds me on a daily basis. :happy: But its funny how it can take a lot of time to get used to your body when it changes.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    OK people... what are you up to?
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Friday was 7 rounds of 3 back squats (135#), 2 15 ft rope climbs, 1 tire flip (200+#). Should have definitely gone higher on the squats.

    Saturday was rest day. Today will be a run.

    My food has been horrible. Time to get back on the wagon today.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    Hola all! I've been off weights for a week.... ): my trainer makes me take a week off every 3-4 months and I absolutely hate it! I'm still doing cardio, but recently he's upped the bar for me during my sessions. He combines weights and plyo and it's definitely kicked my butt....I feel like i'm trying out for football or something. It looks like you guys post your routines sometimes, so i'll add to that. Tomorrow I'm back with bruce, so we'll see what he has in store for me!
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Did legs today. 90 degree squats with X Reps on the Smith Machine. 90lbs on the Hamstring Curl, 10 slow reps of 4 sets. 450lbs on the Hack Squat Machine for Hack Squat. Stacked another 450 lbs on the Hack Squat machine for a total of 900lbs and did calf raises. Ab and Adductor machine at 110lbs for 15 reps/3 sets. 90lbs on the sitting calf raise... 15 slow reps for 3 sets.

    I usually also hit the quad extension machine but ran out of time since I wanted to get some stretching in.

    Tomorrow I will just do cardio... back, shoulders, chest and obliques are still sore from last week.

    Eating well. Hitting all of my nutrients well beyond USRDA. Found an excellent organic merlot called Badger Mountain which doesn't give me headaches. Looks like it is the pesticides in regular red wine, after all.

    Red wine was my last quest for daily intake of antioxidants. Now I do raw cocoa, matcha tea and red wine regularly... the three foods highest in antioxidants known. These along with my higher intake of leafy greens and more soy products should bring my nutrition to a higher level.

    Added 2 lbs of muscle. Down to 18.1% body fat. Hoping to hit in the 17s next week or the week after.

    Very happy with my results.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Hola all! I've been off weights for a week.... ): my trainer makes me take a week off every 3-4 months and I absolutely hate it! I'm still doing cardio, but recently he's upped the bar for me during my sessions. He combines weights and plyo and it's definitely kicked my butt....I feel like i'm trying out for football or something. It looks like you guys post your routines sometimes, so i'll add to that. Tomorrow I'm back with bruce, so we'll see what he has in store for me!

    Let us know how it goes!
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Friday was 7 rounds of 3 back squats (135#), 2 15 ft rope climbs, 1 tire flip (200+#). Should have definitely gone higher on the squats.

    Saturday was rest day. Today will be a run.

    My food has been horrible. Time to get back on the wagon today.

    What's your biggest challenge for food? Mine is bread. I love bread. Only whole grain. But it's still a high calorie food.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Yes...breads are probably my biggest challenge when I'm not on track. And wine. I try to eat mostly Paleo, but when I fall off the wagon, the starchy carbs are hardest to kick. And yet I feel a billion times better when I don't eat them. I need to string some strict clean days in a row and then I'll be fine. So far so good today.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I understand the paleo diet... and since I am lactose intolerant, that's a big part of the equation for me. However, as a species, we HAVE been eating grains for a very, very long time. Much longer than dairy. They have discovered that grains were ground up and used as food from a 30 thousand year old site. That's during the Paleolithic time.

    Besides... I will never give up my chocolate. :)