Calling all Women Lifters



  • aprilshowers13
    I've taken a small break from lifting due to a hurt shoulder and a bit of heel pain. My shoulder feels 100% better, but the heel pain is still lingering. I probably need some better shoes to lift in.

    What do you think triggers the heal pain? Could it be calf exercises? That's where I notice it. First thing in the morning after a really good calf workout... it feels like my tendons are tighter than a fiddle string.... and when they rub, they feel like they could snap (but they don't, thank goodness).

    What helps prevent that is tons of stretching after the workout.

    I don't think its calf exercises, because I haven't done any. It could be from squatting and deadlifts, but I really think its plantar faciitis. I'm trying some different stretches before going to the dr.
  • aprilshowers13
    I've taken a small break from lifting due to a hurt shoulder and a bit of heel pain. My shoulder feels 100% better, but the heel pain is still lingering. I probably need some better shoes to lift in.

    I found that my vibrant five finger shoes were the best for my heel pain.

    I've thought about getting a pair. I'll look into a place that carries them around here.
  • F4v30n3
    F4v30n3 Posts: 12
    AWESOME!!! jeans under $30 is exactly what I am looking for :)
    I will be getting home around tax season, so sales will be going on :D
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I've taken a small break from lifting due to a hurt shoulder and a bit of heel pain. My shoulder feels 100% better, but the heel pain is still lingering. I probably need some better shoes to lift in.

    Before you buy new shoes try out Polysorb insoles. They are carried at Big 5 Sporting Goods. Maybe you're getting heel spurs.
  • aprilshowers13
    I've taken a small break from lifting due to a hurt shoulder and a bit of heel pain. My shoulder feels 100% better, but the heel pain is still lingering. I probably need some better shoes to lift in.

    Before you buy new shoes try out Polysorb insoles. They are carried at Big 5 Sporting Goods. Maybe you're getting heel spurs.

    Thanks. I bought some insoles, but I doubt they are polysorb. I haven't heard of Big 5 Sporting Goods but we have other sports stores I can try.
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Ok girls! I am at the point now where I am getting frustrated because I can feel the muscle, I can tell the muscle is getting stronger because I can lift more, and my measurements are getting smaller, but I can't SEE a difference!! When will I look in the mirror and be able to tell? What, if anything, can I do to be able to see some changes?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I've taken a small break from lifting due to a hurt shoulder and a bit of heel pain. My shoulder feels 100% better, but the heel pain is still lingering. I probably need some better shoes to lift in.

    Before you buy new shoes try out Polysorb insoles. They are carried at Big 5 Sporting Goods. Maybe you're getting heel spurs.

    Thanks. I bought some insoles, but I doubt they are polysorb. I haven't heard of Big 5 Sporting Goods but we have other sports stores I can try.

    Polysorb can be found online as well.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Ok girls! I am at the point now where I am getting frustrated because I can feel the muscle, I can tell the muscle is getting stronger because I can lift more, and my measurements are getting smaller, but I can't SEE a difference!! When will I look in the mirror and be able to tell? What, if anything, can I do to be able to see some changes?

    Well...your signature says you're at 27% bodyfat. You may need to come down a couple of percentages before you see some change. It can be disheartening. Many men want to see a six pack, but no matter how many crunches they do if they aren't getting the bodyfat down they will never get a six pack.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Ok girls! I am at the point now where I am getting frustrated because I can feel the muscle, I can tell the muscle is getting stronger because I can lift more, and my measurements are getting smaller, but I can't SEE a difference!! When will I look in the mirror and be able to tell? What, if anything, can I do to be able to see some changes?

    Lower your body fat percentage. You can have all of the muscle in the world, but you won't have definition if its hiding behind body fat. You should shoot for the low 20's to see the start of some good definition.

    At the time of my pic in my profile, I had a Body Fat of 19.5% - you can see my six pack. I am now at 18.2% on average. I have a very defined 8 pack. I am starting to see the signs of a 10 pack and hope to get there when I hit my target of 15%.

    Since you are lifting to such a degree that you are seeing a difference in your strength, you need to make sure that you are NOT relying on a scale to show your fat loss. Instead, use a body fat monitor and continue with measurements.

    If you have been lifting regularly and are frustrated by the lack of body fat loss, try doing just maintenance lifting (nothing you can't lift with 3 sets of 10 reps) and step up your cardio. I would suggest not lifting and doing cardio on the same day. But if you have to, do your lifting first and then your cardio.
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Ok girls! I am at the point now where I am getting frustrated because I can feel the muscle, I can tell the muscle is getting stronger because I can lift more, and my measurements are getting smaller, but I can't SEE a difference!! When will I look in the mirror and be able to tell? What, if anything, can I do to be able to see some changes?

    Well...your signature says you're at 27% bodyfat. You may need to come down a couple of percentages before you see some change. It can be disheartening. Many men want to see a six pack, but no matter how many crunches they do if they aren't getting the bodyfat down they will never get a six pack.

    27% was where I started. Last time I measured at the beginning of Dec. I was at 24.8% I am still working on it and I know it will take some time. I guess I am just in a funk today.
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Ok girls! I am at the point now where I am getting frustrated because I can feel the muscle, I can tell the muscle is getting stronger because I can lift more, and my measurements are getting smaller, but I can't SEE a difference!! When will I look in the mirror and be able to tell? What, if anything, can I do to be able to see some changes?

    Lower your body fat percentage. You can have all of the muscle in the world, but you won't have definition if its hiding behind body fat. You should shoot for the low 20's to see the start of some good definition.

    At the time of my pic in my profile, I had a Body Fat of 19.5% - you can see my six pack. I am now at 18.2% on average. I have a very defined 8 pack. I am starting to see the signs of a 10 pack and hope to get there when I hit my target of 15%.

    Since you are lifting to such a degree that you are seeing a difference in your strength, you need to make sure that you are NOT relying on a scale to show your fat loss. Instead, use a body fat monitor and continue with measurements.

    If you have been lifting regularly and are frustrated by the lack of body fat loss, try doing just maintenance lifting (nothing you can't lift with 3 sets of 10 reps) and step up your cardio. I would suggest not lifting and doing cardio on the same day. But if you have to, do your lifting first and then your cardio.

    Thanks! I will start doing more maint. lifting and see if lowers the bf% a bit quicker!
  • F4v30n3
    F4v30n3 Posts: 12
    This just maybe me, but when I saw the most improvement was when I watched my macros. yes the muscle is there, and lifting has improved greatly, but when I actually watch what I'm eating, and my water intake, I can see my belly look slimmer and arms look tighter. If I start falling back, I look bloated and go back to not noticing any difference.

    Gogo, progress pics are better than just looking in the mirror. :)
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    SorrY to intrude- but I thought it would be best to come to the source(s) with my questions. I really want to start lifting. I have never stepped foot in the free weight area. I know this sounds dumb, but I am nervous, intimidated, and scared. Any beginner's words of wisdom would be helpful. I can't afford a trainer right now so it will just be lonely ol' me walking in there clueless! I'm so sick of this fear stopping me from getting started. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. PS- I got The New Rules of Lifting for Women from the library, read 2 chapters before I got intimidated again and returned it. I want to do this and will not be giving up again!
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    SorrY to intrude- but I thought it would be best to come to the source(s) with my questions. I really want to start lifting. I have never stepped foot in the free weight area. I know this sounds dumb, but I am nervous, intimidated, and scared. Any beginner's words of wisdom would be helpful. I can't afford a trainer right now so it will just be lonely ol' me walking in there clueless! I'm so sick of this fear stopping me from getting started. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. PS- I got The New Rules of Lifting for Women from the library, read 2 chapters before I got intimidated again and returned it. I want to do this and will not be giving up again!

    Any decent gym will have a "roaming trainer" who is there to answer your questions, explain machines and give basic guidance gratis. Find out when this person is doing their time on the floor and go then. Ask them for some guidance.

    Another option - but more risky - is to find someone who looks what they know what they are doing (hint - they are doing it SLOWLY and watching their form carefully) and ask them for some pointers.

    Lastly, there is a cool iphone/itouch app called iFitness which has a huge number of exercises grouped by the muscles you want to work. It has photos, concise instructions as well as some videos. It also allows you to log your number of reps, sets and your weights.

    But the best option of all is to save your pennies and foot the bill for a few good sessions with a personal trainer. Get a friend to go with you and split the cost. Take a notebook and write everything down. Snap photos with your phone showing proper technique. Your personal health is SO worth the investment. I am always mystified by people who will drop cash for new jacket or shoes that they really don't need (but they are gorgeous) instead of taking that same amount and investing it in their health.

    You can also ask for a gift certificate for your birthday that will cover a trainer. There are options to get the education you need... you just have to really prioritize it.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    SorrY to intrude- but I thought it would be best to come to the source(s) with my questions. I really want to start lifting. I have never stepped foot in the free weight area. I know this sounds dumb, but I am nervous, intimidated, and scared. Any beginner's words of wisdom would be helpful. I can't afford a trainer right now so it will just be lonely ol' me walking in there clueless! I'm so sick of this fear stopping me from getting started. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. PS- I got The New Rules of Lifting for Women from the library, read 2 chapters before I got intimidated again and returned it. I want to do this and will not be giving up again!

    I'm really just beginning as well. I've been lifting heavy for a year, but I was just doing my own thing. I decided to go with The New Rules of Lifting for Women for guidance. I also heard Starting Strength was a good program. I found it was highly recommended on also has several workout routines created by people that know a lot more about bodybuilding than I do. So, I would definately check it out. If the moves intimidate you (and they did me) go watch them on Youtube a few times before going to the gym.

    You're going to be intimidated with the free weight section until you just get in there and do it a few times. After going in there a few times, you'll notice who has the knowledge that you can ask advice from.
  • seemichellerun
    SorrY to intrude- but I thought it would be best to come to the source(s) with my questions. I really want to start lifting. I have never stepped foot in the free weight area. I know this sounds dumb, but I am nervous, intimidated, and scared. Any beginner's words of wisdom would be helpful. I can't afford a trainer right now so it will just be lonely ol' me walking in there clueless! I'm so sick of this fear stopping me from getting started. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. PS- I got The New Rules of Lifting for Women from the library, read 2 chapters before I got intimidated again and returned it. I want to do this and will not be giving up again!

    I'm following the program in The New Rules of Lifting for Women (I start the 3rd set of workouts on Monday) and I can say that it's a great book! At first it really seems like a lot to swallow, but don't get intimidated by it. Really go back and read through that book. They break everything down so it's easy to follow and the authors really take time to EDUCATE their readers instead of just telling you what to do. I promise you, after 2 weeks of following the lifting schedule, you'll start to feel comfortable in the weight room.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Just got back from the gym... 2.5 hours of lifting and stretching. Then I was going to leave but I saw motocross truck racing on TV and decided to do some elliptical.

    3 hours later... feeling so very relaxed and spent. Time to curl up near the wood stove with a good book.

    There's only one word for the feeling: AAAAaaaaaaahhhh. :smile:
  • aprilshowers13
    Bumping our thread :tongue:

    Does anyone have lifting goals for this year?

    I would love to DL 200lb and have a decent bench. I have a long ways to go, I haven't worked my way up to a bench press on New Rules of Lifting. Another goal is to be able to do at least 5 pull ups.

    Anyone else
  • F4v30n3
    F4v30n3 Posts: 12
    This Year I would like to bench my weight. losing 10 lbs, I would be pushing 150 :)
    I would also like to squat 250, and use 30 DB's as warm ups. Those are my goals for the year.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    This morning, I was doing dead lifts and my left wrist started to hurt on one side in the front up into the meat of my palm under my thumb. I checked to make sure was wasn't over gripping my weights. It stopped hurting a couple minutes after I stopped. Does any one have any idea what caused it and how I can prevent it from happening again?